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North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service benefits from Soroptimists on UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Weybridge and District #Soroptimists are hosting a Coffee Morning on 25th November to #Orangetheworld at the start of the annual United Nations #16days of activism which highlight the violence, discrimination, health damage and ethnic issues women face around the globe.

North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service part of Citizens Advice Elmbridge West ( are delighted to have the welcome financial help, the funding supplements income allowing Services, Outreach and wider initiatives in the community in #Elmbridge.  Soroptimists already have a generous donor who is matching every £ raised, additional donors are expected, we hope to raise £3000 and invite guests to attend, sponsorship, donations  and items we can sell.The Coffee Morning will be held in Molesey from 11am to 1.30pm on 25th November the 2022 UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. There is a Bring & Buy table organised by a member, a raffle and a collection for cash or credit card donations, guests will be made very welcome with hot and soft drinks and delicious cakes and biscuits  All proceeds will be matched up to £1000 and by month end the entire proceeds will be donated to NSDAS.

All are welcome, the event is ticketed as numbers are limited please email to book places. ‘Good as New’ and ‘New’ items are very welcome and these can be collected from you for pricing. You can also pass them to a soroptimist local to you in Elmbridge they can be collected at our meeting on November 17th in Cobham, Ann can supply full details for all direct bank donations to the NSDAS fund,  a JustGiving Page and the coffee morning venue.