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Elfing around..Elmbridge..

Elfing around..Elmbridge..

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Last week we approved fund allocation to fill 40 elf hats for gifting to @RunnymedeandWeybridgefoodbank and @Walton&HershamFoodbank. Packed by Santa’s elves and labelled ‘For Mum from Santa” soroptimists in @weybridge, @waltononthames and @molesey hope to spread some joy and goodwill to the hard pressed families in our district on Christmas day. Our Women against Violence (WAV) team are really busy hoisting flags, putting up posters and arranging the #orangetheworld cafe crawl on the Thames from Cowey Sale, Walton to amplify the  Surrey clubs work in the southern England region to end violence against women over #16daysofactivism each and every year. Show your solidarity with orange ribbons, posters and share our posts to widen the information sharing and impact action.   Save the date  – 25th November start of club activism to unite in solidarity with women and girls suffering violence.     

#16Days of Activism get ready..

#16Days of Activism get ready..

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The global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a key international moment to call for an end to violence against women and girls. It runs from 25th November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10th December, Human Rights Day. In support of this campaign, the United Nations Secretary-General’s “UNiTE by 2030” initiative calls for global action to increase awareness, galvanise advocacy efforts and share knowledge and innovations to help end all types of violence against women and girls. In 2023, the UNiTE campaign theme is Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls. Soroptimists and UNWomen’s focus is on Tech-facilitated gender based violence against women and girls. What is that? Technology-facilitated gender-based violence is any act that is committed or amplified using digital tools or technologies causing physical, sexual, psychological, social, political, or economic harm to women and girls because

Meet up to talk about Women against Violence at Squires Hersham today 10-11.30am

Meet up to talk about Women against Violence at Squires Hersham today 10-11.30am

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Elmbridge based Soroptimists from SI Weybridge and District meet up today to chat about women and girls safety in Surrey. We’ll be wearing orange to highlight the #16Days campaign and #orangetheworld to support the United Nations annual UNiTE campaign to end violence against women. Feel free to join our table to meet local women against violence (WAV) and hear about the plans we have.

A busy month ahead for Soroptimists in Southern England

A busy month ahead for Soroptimists in Southern England

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October Club Meeting on 19th The meeting starts with supper at 7pm. This month we welcome a speaker from the @Holme Farm a volunteer-led community group running an 8-acre site of an old farm in Woodham, Surrey. The business meeting will start at 8.30pm, please look out for  the monthly newsletter, the Management Group meeting minutes sent out yesterday and the summary of a recent Regional Program Action Committee meeting ahead so you are  aware of progress this month. SISE Regional AGM This weekend the SI Southern Region (#SISE) AGM will be held in East Sussex, please review the Agenda and last years Minutes in case you wish to raise any matters and influence the voting. Margaret & Danny are attending. The regional Soroptimist Bluebell Awards presentation of club projects and judging is scheduled alongside a celebratory lunch, a lot of hard work and dedication

‘Orange’ Cafe stirs interest at Cafe Enzo Weybridge

‘Orange’ Cafe stirs interest at Cafe Enzo Weybridge

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Soroptimists around the world have elected to highlight our pledge to stop violence against women every month on the 25th using a global taskforce #WomenAgainstViolence . #ElmbridgeSoroptimists have started!: we’ve held our first Orange Cafe! Five members of our club met on Monday 25th September at Cafe Enzo in #Weybridge. We made a splash of orange with our clothes, badges, flowers and tablecloths. We told the cafe staff about Soroptimists locally and about the UN campaign to end violence against women and girls. We left some good/bad relationship cards for them to give to customers. It’s a small start, but hopefully this is something that will build month by month. Halloween Week beckons – we will meet on Wednesday 25th October at @SquiresGardenCentre, Hersham, 10am-11.30am. Join us for a warming drink and chat, hear what it’s all about. This month we will be talking about

Santa’s Elves are preparing gifts for ‘Mum’ with Elmbridge based Soroptimists

Santa’s Elves are preparing gifts for ‘Mum’ with Elmbridge based Soroptimists

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Local soroptimists will once again help Santa’s elves supplying gift filled  ‘Elf Hats’ for Mothers for the local Foodbanks. The hats which cost £16 were really well received last year, ensuring mums had a present from “Santa” to open at Christmas. The plan is to fill the hats at our November 16th meeting and to have them hand sewn by our seamstress elf Jeannie, with labels added “For Mum love Santa” they can then be delivered by month end.  We invite you to join in this project and fill a hat for donation. SI Weybridge  will donate a £10 food gift voucher to each hat we fill to a maximum of £400, so don’t delay. Kindly email by 10 November to obtain the bank details and remit the cost of the contents £16 (inc. hat) to bank in good time. Please give ‘Elfhat’ (and your initials or

Wear a Blue Heart on 30th July to show your support

Wear a Blue Heart on 30th July to show your support

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TODAY IS UN WORLD DAY AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS   Did you know?   The number of victims detected globally fell by 11 per cent in 2020 from the previous year, driven by fewer detections in low- and medium-income countries. Male victims are the only group that has increased by about 3% from 2019. Detection of trafficking for forced labour in 2020 was equal to that of trafficking for sexual exploitation, at just under 40 per cent each. Globally, the number of convictions for trafficking offences fell by 27 per cent in 2020 from the previous year. Source: UNOUC click here    Read our SIGBI blog on #ModernDaySlavery How you can get involved? Share, like and comment on the social media messages for the World Day Donate to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking, which provides on-the-ground assistance and protection

Last days..register ‘Early Bird’ for November SIGBI Conference

Last days..register ‘Early Bird’ for November SIGBI Conference

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SIGBI London Conference 2023 3-4 November 2023 – Climate for Change MaryLe, Ann, Cathy and others will be joining soroptimists from the SIGBI Federation at this years conference in London on the Friday and or Saturday. Get in touch with Ann to update her list of attendees please so she can co-ordinate any ‘non train’ travel plans. You can attend the SIGBI Friday AGM Free of Charge and the Closing Ceremony on November 4th for £10. There is a Regional President’s post conference social on the Saturday in planning. Early bird registration closes on 31st July so don’t delay or you will miss the boat…If you can’t travel by train why not chat to other club members and book a return taxi to Euston? The 2023 SIGBI conference will be held at Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 over two days, 3 and 4 November.

Soroptimists learn about UN defined “gender apartheid” in Afghanistan first hand

Soroptimists learn about UN defined “gender apartheid” in Afghanistan first hand

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Yesterday SIGBI Day of Action, Southern region met near Winchester. Member Helen Porter spoke about her positive experience as a Soroptimist delegate attending UN CSW 67 in New York and highlighted next years theme as being so aligned with SI charitable goals, that of ‘poverty’. This was followed by a passionate and truly humbling presentation by the former Women’s Minister in Afghanistan. A Soroptimist, Hasina outlined the realities in Afghanistan since the Taliban assumed control. The lack of humanity shown and shortages in food, utilities, medicines and water is impacting all but especially women and widows who have no menfolk. Students and girls who have no access to education and those who live in fear following their involvement with peace and international liaison are living in constant distress. Women are dying early due to lack of access to healthcare and medicines. Hasina’s international evacuee links

Foodbanks value Soroptimist gift of Factor 50 Sun Cream

Foodbanks value Soroptimist gift of Factor 50 Sun Cream

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Following club member donations and cash generated at the Oatlands Fair competition, 100 Bottles of Factor 50 Sunscreen were purchased by soroptimist Brenda; shoppers in Morrisons saw her accosted by staff as she cleared the shelves!  After a moments explanation she continued her purchase….Morrisons are such good supporters of the foodbanks and charities generally. On 14th June Brenda and Jeannie delivered 50 to Walton & Hersham foodbank; it was very gratefully received arriving just ahead of the hot summer weather. Ann D and Brenda gathered the other 50 bottles  for delivery to Runnymede (Weybridge)  foodbank. Colin and his team were very appreciative of the donation, especially as now sunscreen is an expensive item. The bottles were weighed for distribution. We were informed many would go to the distribution centre at Ambleside Avenue as this is a very busy collection point. Today SIGBI received an email…