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Day 6 – End Human Trafficking NOW – Raise the alarm!

Day 6 – End Human Trafficking NOW – Raise the alarm!

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  Soroptimists raise awareness about Human Trafficking for #16DaysofActivism. The explosion of the internet has made this nefarious activity faster and untraceable. The pandemic conditions have seen increase in activity. #Orangetheworld and #EndHumanTrafficking Human Trafficking is a transnational activity that involves the exploitation of humans through repeated sale. The COVID-19 crisis and its negative consequences has risked women and communities further. Soroptimists worldwide raise awareness of exploitation of which more than half are women and girls #16DaysofActivism looks at this gross violation of human rights. See or hear something which makes you feel uncomfortable? Witness exploitation? Don’t hesitate your gut feel may save someone from a life of exploitation. Call Crimestoppers, the police, explain what you have seen or heard..

#WhoisShe? A remarkable Soroptimist is celebrated – Marion Strehlow

#WhoisShe? A remarkable Soroptimist is celebrated – Marion Strehlow

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SI Weybridge Member MARION  features as one of 100 Soroptimists commemorated in our Centennial Year – CONGRATULATIONS Soroptimists Celebrate 100 Years by asking #WhoIsShe? Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) together with Soroptimists from across the world join together to celebrate 100 years of Soroptimist International (SI) and celebrate a ‘Bright Past’ and a ‘Brilliant Future’. When Soroptimist International reaches a milestone in its history as now, the Celebration of 100 Years of Service, it is fitting that we should look back and pay tribute to those pioneers who established Soroptimist International on firm foundations and kept the flag flying through difficult times. Each month there will be a showcase celebrating some  ‘Soroptimist Pioneers’ These #WhoIsShe? campaign members, both past and present, from Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland have all been nominated by Soroptimist Clubs for their noteworthy contribution to society in the furtherance of the aims and objects

Day 5 – Women have Human Rights – Let’s Defend the Defenders

Day 5 – Women have Human Rights – Let’s Defend the Defenders

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  Soroptimists worldwide respect and support activities of human rights defenders, essential for the full realization of human rights, the rule of law and sustainable development. We Believe to Achieve the work of human rights defenders, is so vital to promote and uphold equality. We #OrangetheWorld in their honour for #GenerationEquality  

Day 4 – Female Genital Mutilation so Matters!

Day 4 – Female Genital Mutilation so Matters!

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Join us as we rally against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). As Soroptimists we Believe to Achieve a total end to such a heinous assault on girls. FGM violates all child rights and is rooted in gender inequality. Advocate against this…#OrangetheWorld this #16DaysofActivism.   Show you care, alert others to act, wear orange and educate minds. Join us as we rally against Female Genital Mutilation. As Soroptimists we Believe to Achieve a total end to such a heinous assault on girls. FGM violates all child rights and is rooted in gender inequality. Advocate against this Soroptimists Believe to Achieve a total end to FGM which is rooted in gender inequality. Join us as we #Orangetheworld #16days #GenerationEquality @UN_Women @SIGBI1 @28TooMany @LeylaHussein @TheGirlGen

#Soroptimists highlight on Rape

#Soroptimists highlight on Rape

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November 26th –  2nd of #16DaysofActivism UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and Academy Award winning actor Nicole Kidman asks us to “Play your role in ending violence against women” find out how Soroptimists believe to achieve big impacts against the silence that surrounds rape culture. Your action for today-#OrangetheWorld and show your support-during #16DaysofActivism. Wear orange today and every day during this campaign, support women, help alleviate ignorance. We will support the #GenerationEquality Campaign to highlight the injustice rendered to Rape victims and survivors. Soroptimists vouch for SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Join us!  #GenerationEquality @UN_Women @SIGBI1    

Covid Abuse is No Excuse! The Shadow Pandemic…

Covid Abuse is No Excuse! The Shadow Pandemic…

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Today November 25th is is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women   Soroptimists Believe to Achieve a collective global effort on International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women. This is the first day of #16DaysofActivism.Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, violence against women has intensified. A Shadow Pandemic of domestic violence is growing and we need to stem the tide. Everyone has a role to play in this -What’s Yours? We will #OrangetheWorld: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect in support of #GenerationEquality. Soroptimists Believe to Achieve Zero Tolerance against Gender Based Violence. Ann is supporting #soroptimists around the world today!    

#WhoIsShe? Marion Strehlow

#WhoIsShe? Marion Strehlow

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♥ ♥ ♥ CONGRATULATIONS MARION ♥ ♥ ♥ #WhoIsShe? – Showcasing Soroptimists for the Centenary As part of the celebration of the first centenary of Soroptimist International in 2021, more than 100 Soroptimists have been selected to be commemorated as part of the #WhoIsShe? Campaign. The centenary of the organisation seemed a fitting opportunity to recognise and celebrate the professional and personal commitments made by these outstanding members through the years. These #WhoIsShe? campaign members, both past and present, from Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland have all been nominated by Soroptimist Clubs for their noteworthy contribution to society in the furtherance of the aims and objects of the organisation. This month our #SIWeybridge member Marion Strehlow is showcased. Many congratulations a truly deserved accolade! Marion was born in Berlin on 15th April 1935 to a Jewish family. As a child during the Second World War she was

#OrangetheWorld with Soroptimists Everywhere

#OrangetheWorld with Soroptimists Everywhere

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SI Weybridge & District (SIWAD) Believes Women’s Rights are Human Rights Soroptimists Believe to Achieve #GenderEquality. For 16 Days of Activism starting 25th November to 10th December, Soroptimists everywhere will #OrangetheWorld.   Each of the 16 Days we celebrate marks a step towards women’s rights and a safe space for them.  Each day is a call for action and provides a focus for our projects. Soroptimist International believes that women’s rights are human rights and through our work in the communities we work with that objective. On the 16th day (10 December) we recall the commemoration of the day the General Assembly of the UN adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by signing of the Universal Charter of Human Rights. This is the most translated document in the world. Soroptimists at SIWAD believe that this powerful document is most important for the rights

Celebrate on October 15th 7pm – SIWD Monthly Business Meeting & Double Celebration

Celebrate on October 15th 7pm – SIWD Monthly Business Meeting & Double Celebration


This months Business Meeting will again take place on Zoom. Watch out for Alexa’s invitation the day prior. With the Centenary Year nearly upon us we are talking about the events to mark the 2021 year and our own Club projects alongside regional efforts. Do update yourself read the Minutes of this weeks Executive Meeting and Nadine’s bulletins from Stockport ahead of the meeting. This month we want to celebrate Dorothy’s 90th Birthday and her amazing award as on  of the ‘Whoisshe?’ Centenary 100 most influential contributors to Soroptimism. Have your glass of fizz at the ready we were not known as the Champagne Club for nothing! Let’s welcome fellow Soroptimists and interested guests into our homes ‘safely’ to join this wonderful meeting. Remember ladies if you can do forward your ‘supper sums’ to Dee as we as a club continue to support the Weybridge Food