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‘Dicky Tummy’, bloating, feeling full? On most days? Read on.

‘Dicky Tummy’, bloating, feeling full? On most days? Read on.

  Do you know the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer? Persistent bloating – not bloating that comes and goes Feeling full quickly and/or loss of appetite Pelvic or abdominal pain (that’s your tummy and below) Urinary symptoms (needing to wee more urgently or more often than usual) Occasionally there can be other symptoms: Changes in bowel habit (eg diarrhoea or constipation) Extreme fatigue (feeling very tired) Unexplained weight loss Any bleeding after the menopause should always be investigated by a GP Symptoms will be: Frequent – they usually happen more than 12 times a month Persistent – they don’t go away New – they’re not normal for you Worried about your tummy symptoms? If you regularly experience any one or more of these symptoms, which aren’t normal for you, it’s important that you book an appointment with your GP. It’s unlikely that your symptoms are caused by a serious problem,

Share info on Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Share info on Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

  Each year 7,400 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the UK. Click the links to find out what ovarian cancer is, including the different types, stages and grades. The section also covers the symptoms, the risk of developing ovarian cancer, guidance for talking to your GP and what tests to expect if you’re experiencing symptoms. You can also find out more about different treatment options depending on your situation. There’s also information on what clinical trials are and how they work. You can discover what clinical trials are taking place across the UK, and search for trials by location, treatment stage and the stage of the trial. Thanks to our source:    

‘Dorothy’, Weybridge Soroptimists fund a Women Only Pink Tuk Tuk in Sri Lanka

‘Dorothy’, Weybridge Soroptimists fund a Women Only Pink Tuk Tuk in Sri Lanka

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February 8th – PRESS RELEASE Weybridge & District Soroptimist group is pleased to announce our newest member: ‘Dorothy’ the pink Tuk Tuk. Since 2018, we’ve been working hard to raise £4,000 to buy Dorothy, who will operate as a female-only taxi service – creating a sustainable source of income for single parent mums and creating safe travel for women and girls in Sri Lanka. The Tuk Tuk is on order and local mums will soon be identified by the Rosie May foundation and trained as drivers, as well as in the necessary business skills to transport women and girls to school, work and social events in safety. A big thank you to all of the local members who have supported this big effort, especially club member Dorothy Clarke MBE, for bringing this unique project to the group. Covid didn’t stop us – and as we

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Soroptimists share information

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Soroptimists share information

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March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, #Soroptimists welcome a speaker to Elmbridge in March This month Soroptimists from Elmbridge will be handing out materials to make men and women aware of the symptoms of an often undetected cancer. Here is some information from this significant charity working in the area. March 12th – Watch out around Elmbridge for posters showing the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. Soroptimists are handing out and delivering symptom diaries and information at stations and GP/maternity clinics in Elmbridge. This month March we welcome a speaker from Target Ovarian Cancer at our monthly meeting on 17th. We support all cancer charities but specifically #TargetOvarianCancer make women aware of the symptoms, support access to diagnosis and early treatment. Bloated tummy, Always feeling full? Pelvic or abdominal pain? Need to wee more? Occasionally other symptoms can be present e.g. changes in bowel habit i.e.

STEM Student Bursary event raises £900 in an afternoon, March 13th

STEM Student Bursary event raises £900 in an afternoon, March 13th

Elmbridge based Soroptimists meet in Esher Hosted by SI Weybridge & District Tasting & Canapes followed by supper Elvigilantedelvino curated the wine tasting France.. Greece STEM Bursary explained Delicious canapes Much learning Heads & Tails raised a good sum As did the raffle £340! Soroptimists & guests enjoyed the afternoon 5 wines were evaluated Smiles at the end Alsace.. Canape Cathy, Soroptimist Supper served!
'Friendship' in Lockdown
Start a new friendship on International Friendship Day July 30th

Start a new friendship on International Friendship Day July 30th

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Soroptimism is all about international friendship. Clubs around the world are affiliated by region, by country  and by locality. In our Centennial Year the biennial ‘Friendship Exchange’ weekends have been hindered by travel restrictions. But this does not stop international Zoom exchanges, sharing of information, club successes, and personal friendships continuing. Those friendships arise because of a common interest, a shared purpose and a desire for real international understanding.  If you are new to an area and looking for a new interest or you’d like to join a local club for social contact get in touch with a club nearby and as we resume face to face meetings in September, do come along without obligation to a few meetings to see first hand what we do! We have our own Gin.. and a Residential Club in London, if you’re a woman and new to the

#MandelaDay2021 Soroptimists in Southern Region cherish a South Africa Friendship Link

#MandelaDay2021 Soroptimists in Southern Region cherish a South Africa Friendship Link

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Communities across the world are affected by the spread of Covid-19, which has hit every economy, causing new social and economic challenges and exacerbating old ones. But, there is hope. On a scale never seen before, individuals and groups are finding ways to help those in need of support. You can join us. We call on you to be an active citizen in your community, individually or as part of one of the millions of groups getting together to start initiatives around delivering food parcels, making masks and protective gear, teaching online or making donations towards these efforts. Soroptimists around the World act, enable, donate, support and educate. Look us up and see if you’d like to join an active group local to you. You can find our UK/Ireland Clubs here

Plant a Tree to enable pollination, CO2 uptake and better O2 levels

Plant a Tree to enable pollination, CO2 uptake and better O2 levels

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Someone’s birthday? An anniversary? Instead of adding to the material world why not plant a new tree in your garden or with agreement in a school hospital or public space. Soroptimists around the World are celebrating a Centennial Year and planting thousands of new trees, mango groves and woodland areas.   SI Weybridge & District are enabling a Soroptimism Centennial Tree in a newly created rest area at St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey this year. St Albans Soroptimist’s Planet Team will be mobilising the Club to “Plant Trees for a Brilliant Future” in 2021 to celebrate a century of work transforming the lives of women and girls across the globe. Even though Soroptimists can’t meet in person yet, National Tree Week is a great time for #PlantTrees planning. Soroptimists are using the time to plan our tree planting in 2021 in partnership with St Albans Friends of the Earth And joining

Every step counts, every day in enabling a change in our World. Climate change is easy when we all think and act to improve our air quality.
Mahatma Gandhi said..