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Cronton Gala

After the continuous sunshine we seemed to have had throughout May and early June, the morning of Saturday 16th dawned grey, miserable and drizzly! However, not to be put off by a bit of rain, 3 intrepid members of SI Widnes set up a stall at Cronton Gala.

Soft toys galore for our teddy tombola, which was a great success, raising £40.00 for the Alzheimer’s Society. Cup cakes and raffle tickets were on sale too as well as much loved books. We were joined in the afternoon by 2 more dedicated members of SI Widnes who kept up the good work of selling. giving out leaflets and bookmarks as well as spreading the Soroptimist word.

However, all this was about to change when the heavens opened. The rain was torrential. It felt as though 6 weeks rain fell in half an hour and that quickly put an end to the afternoon.

Despite the rain, we all enjoyed ourselves and plan to repeat the teddy tombola at future events.