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President’s Charity


As we members are still feeling the after effects of the covid pandemic, we have decided that we will, once again, concentrate on supporting local women and families. To this end:

  • We will continue with our project ‘Supporting Vulnerable Families’ working in close partnership with Revd. Linda and St Michael and St Thomas Churches. We are in the porcess of seeking funding to further develop this project and have a plan to help provide nutritious meals for the vulnerable families.
  • We will continue to support the Liverpool Women’s Hospital Care in a Bag project by donating new PJs, knickers, wipes, toiletries etc to afford a small amount of dignity to women who present as an emergency with severe bleeding in pregnancy. We are hoping to expand this project to include support for vulnerable new mums.

Although our main aim for this Soroptimist year is to support local women and girls, we will be supporting the Soroptimist International President’s Appeal, Opening Doors to a Bright Future.

SI President Maureen Maguire explains: 

“Education is the tool to tackle multiple barriers faced by women and girls today. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, progress was visible in the delivery of quality education around the world, however, the past 17 months, has taken a toll, with UNICEF estimating 156 million children and young people are out of school. Of these, six out of 10 have no access to basic literacy and numeracy.

Estimates further suggest 750 million adults are illiterate, with many living in poverty, facing marginalisation, and disadvantage. Inequitable access to educational resources and learning is exacerbated by the digital divide, and as such, opening the door to education is an essential goal in each of our Appeal projects. This criterion will allow us to meet our proposed, measurable objectives, driving real change and lasting impact to families, and the local and broader communities where we work”.

For more information on this project please click here


As the pandemic has severely curtailed our fundraising efforts this year, Club Members decided in the main to support local people with any money we receive in donations.

To date we have supported the following:

Nightstop (Support for homeless people)

Changing Lives (Women’s refuge)

St Michael’s with St Thomas Church Pantry (Provided food and basic necessities for people in need)


President Eleanor chose two charities for the Club to support in her year of office: Pets as Therapy (PAT) and Chesnut Lodge Special School sensory garden appeal.

President Eleanor’s dog, Ellie, has been trained as a PAT dog and part of Ellie’s work consisted of visiting children at Chesnut Lodge Special school. It was during one of these visits that Eleanor heard about the appeal to raise a staggering £60,000 to pay for an upgrade to their tired sensory garden area which is in desperate need of a make-over after years of use. Eleanor thought the two charities complemented each other and decided to raise funds for both organisations.

Numerous fundraising events took place such as: coffee mornings/evenings, a strawberry tea, a stall at Cronton Gala, a natter night, a Body Shop at Home event, Christmas Bingo and our Burn’s Night Supper. Raffle tickets were sold at all our events for our superb raffle and the draw took place at the Burn’s Night Supper.