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Club President 2022-2024

President’s Remarks – May 2022

Non Nobis Solum Sed Omnibus – Not for ourselves but for Others.

Looking back, I realise that my high school motto has been my life’s motto. I was fortunate and grateful to have been raised with the principles of service to others. Whether running around as a child helping with the building of a church or serving on a youth committee, I have never known a moment in my life when I was not involved in volunteerism or service. I attended a girls’ high school where I was taught to be a “mover and a shaker – a world changer”; where the expectation was that my sex should not deter me from accomplishing anything I set my mind or heart to. When I was approached by Soroptimist International Anaparima to assist in a mental health project, Soroptimism seemed like a natural progression for me. An opportunity to work with like-minded and passionate women to make the world a safer place, where women could not only live equally but thrive.

The past year has been a roller coaster of emotions as we continued to traverse the pandemic both individually, well as collectively, as a club. As individuals I believe we have grown closer, supporting each other through major life changes, sickness, pandemic frustration and fatigue. We were taken beyond the narrow scope of our respective occupations and found among our soroptimist sisters counsellors, teachers, healers, motivational speakers, cheerleaders, mentors and even comedians that lightened the darkest moments. We have said “see you later” but hopefully not goodbye, to dear friends and we have welcomed new sisters. As a club, we have continued to be creative in our approaches to meet our mandate which has led to successes and lessons that will guide us to greater strengths. Let me take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued commitment and hard work; you are all truly amazing, inspirational women and I am grateful to be on this journey with you.

I would also like to thank all of you for the confidence you have placed in me to serve in the capacity of President. I promise to provide support and assistance in our various projects and to work steadfastly and passionately. It is with great anticipation and fervent hope for the future that I look to the strengthening of our club and more importantly of our sisterhood. Together, I hope we can continue to create opportunities for growth and believe that the inspiration and passion drawn from our sisterhood can be integral in mobilizing new members, sparking innovative ideas and renewing weary bones to continue the empowering, educating and enabling of women and girls. As we begin this new chapter, let us roll up our sleeves for the work ahead and remember to have some fun along the way.


Ahhalia Ramdass

SI Anaparima Club President 2022-2023