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Dare to board – A reflection of a journey of strong young women, empowerment and inspiration

Dare to board – A reflection of a journey of strong young women, empowerment and inspiration

Hey there, fellow advocates of girl power and unstoppable change! Buckle up for a whirlwind ride through Soroptimist International Anaparima's Mentorship Program that unfolded over four Saturdays in July-August. As we fasten our seatbelts, let's dive into the exhilarating twists and turns that defined this unforgettable journey of transformation, laughter, and empowerment. Picture this: 19 vibrant young women taking charge of their destinies. Our mission? To inspire passions into action, aspirations into reality. This program wasn't just a mere initiative; it was at the very core of what Soroptimism stands for- empowering women and girls to reach their full potential. We kicked things off with a mental health session that had us all nodding in agreement. From understanding distress to a crash course in tackling anxiety, we dissected it all. And let's not forget the classic "When to Get Help" guide – because embracing your
International Women’s Day 2019 – ‘Balance for Better’

International Women’s Day 2019 – ‘Balance for Better’

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In celebration of International Women’s Day, and in keeping with the year’s theme of ‘Balance for Better’, the eight clubs of Trinidad and Tobago collaborated on a project to do school screenings of the documentary ‘Ms Scientist’ by Brandy Yanchyk across the country. Our Club organised a screening at the Naparima Girls’ High School in San Fernando on March 7th 2019. The documentary highlighted the challenges of women in the field of Science which included the impact on their family lives as career driven women, discrimination in the workplace, sexual assault and perseverance within the field despite these challenges. The screening of the documentary was viewed by approximately 500 students followed by an informal discussion about the issues highlighted where students shared their opinion on the documentary and their personal experiences of the issues. At the end of the documentary a brief presentation featuring past