The club hosted Angela Fuggle a represenative from the charity Beanstalk at their September meeting
Beanstalk is a children’s literacy charity that recruits, trains and supports volunteers to build children’s confidence and inspire a love of reading. Angela told us about how the volunteer scheme works and how it enhances the lives of children who are struggling with literacy an reading in Primary School children aged 6 – 11.
The charity was established in London 1973 by a Lady Magistrate. The charity is now working with 7,500 children in 2,300 schools all over the country, with an aim to support 20,000 children by 2017. The West Pennine branch of the charity was opened in 1989 and is now working with over 800 children in 200 schools. Beanstalk buy all the own learning aids and books and therefore need to to a lot of fundraising.
More information can be found at:
Contact: or follow on Twitter @NWbeanstalk