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Anglesey Druids from Past to Present

Anglesey Druids - Rekindling the Ancient Seat of Learning

Kristoffer Hughes, Chief Druid of Anglesey, gave a Zoom talk about the history of Anglesey Druids. Ynys Môn’s association with the Druids and Druidism suggests a deeper magic to the island. Giraldus Cambrensis writing in 1188 recorded the phrase Môn mam Kembre, familiar today as Môn Mother of Wales, owing to the fertility of the island and her pseudonym as the bread basket of Wales. Later local lore developed the additional phrase “Grandmother of the world”; perhaps in relation to the vast influence of her Priests throughout the Neolithic and Iron Age periods. In Celtic society women and men would fight as equals, but it seems apparent that on Môn the women actively chose to be the first line of defence perhaps expressing Môn’s reputation as an island of the Goddess. Anglesey has one of the largest concentrations of ancient sacred sites per square mile of any other part of Britain and is the crown jewel of the Druid Way.

Druidry is as vibrant and alive today as it was in the days of the Iron Age; it is a relevant and applicable spirituality that celebrates life, learning, tradition, heritage and ancestry.

It is a tradition that sings in praise of nature and of being.

Kris donated his speaker fee to the Dementia Services at Ysbyty Gwynedd.