SI Hallamshire have been fundraising for the President’s Charity ‘Sheffield Hospital’s Charity Dementia Appeal’.
Despite being in lockdown for much of the year and unable to run our usual events the Club have raise £3,720.58 for the Charity from social meeting payments, unspent room hire, sales of cakes, Christmas cakes and puddings, plants, bulbs, gooseberries and marmalade. Other donations in lieu of petrol and Christmas card expenditure and an additional donation of £1,000 from The Rosemary Skerritt legacy have contributed to the final total. Our members have shown imagination and given willingly of their time and talents as well as making generous financial donations in this difficult year.
The money will be used to purchase equipment which will enhance the experience of patients on the dementia wards at the Sheffield hospitals.
The cheque was recently presented to a representative from the charity during an afternoon gathering in a member’s garden.