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Smart Works – Helping Women into work

Getting a job is never easy and with rising unemployment is becoming more difficult. Just getting an interview is a challenge. First impressions count.   Smart Works comes to the aid of unemployed women. To tell us more, Helen Oldham, chair of Smart Works Leeds, gave

In Remembrance – Lest we forget

A somber and quiet day as President Sandra laid a wreath of Poppies at Stonefall Commonwealth War Graves. So many young men, mostly from Canada, Australia and New Zealand who served in their Countries Royal Airforce. So far from home. President Sandra also laid a

Club Friendship Links Unite on Zoom

Friendship Day Links Across the World in Common Purpose

Great to meet up with our International Friendship Links again. Especially as the 3 October is Friendship Day.  A real opportunity to share what we are doing and how we are doing it! President Sandra lit a candle to celebrate Soroptimist Clubs throughout the world.


Across the World – Soroptimist Friendship links unite

Soroptimist International is a worldwide organisation. Clubs establish links and work with other Clubs across the world. We have nine Friendship links The Covid Pandemic may have forced us into our homes but it did not stop us reaching out to the world.  Zoom meetings

Author Sandra Jowett

Do you have a story to tell? The Big Story Challenge

Do you have a story to tell? Club members Sue Williams, Sue Slocombe and Sandra Jowett did. The money raised will support Empowering Girls in Nepal. Their challenge was to write a short memoir, a reflection on childhood and of their early years. We have