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Forgotten Women – Alderman Mary Fisher MBE JP 1884-1972

On this year’s International Women’s Day the  Club celebrated the lives of local Women who were trail blazers. This included our First Club President Dr Kathleen Rutherford and Dr Laura Veale the First Woman from Yorkshire to qualify as a Doctor.  We also celebrated the life

President’s Blog February/March

It’s great that our regular meetings have started again. The first meeting in February focused on Programme Action.  It was an excellent meeting organised by Club Programme Action Officers’ Christine A and Paula. The PowerPoint presentation really encapsulated all that we do.  It is available

The Great Big Green Week

  How do we address Climate Change and contribute to #CarbonZero? What is our Parliament doing? These are the questions we posed to Andrew Jones, MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough   Club members welcomed Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones to their February meeting. It

Visit to Wetherby Food Bank

So what happens at a Foodbank? President Val with Club members Hilary and Elsie found out when they went to give a cheque for £250 raised from the stall at Wetherby Christmas Market and met  with Trustee and Volunteer  Jim Tinsley and Manager Debbie Marriott.

President Blog – November

Presidents Report – November/December Where has this year gone? And yet is seems ages ago since we made our first tentative steps back to normality.  Last year we met on the 1st of December and awarded the Charity Shop Christmas Window winners at the Crown

President’s Blog – December/January 2023

President’s Report – December/January 2023 Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you all  had a Happy and Joyful Christmas? The twelve days of Christmas will be over by the time we meet again. It takes a while before we feel the benefit

Charity Shop Window Competition – The Results

Harrogate and District Soroptimist were delighted to welcome the award winners of the annual Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition to their meeting at the Crown Hotel on the 7th December.  The Deputy Mayor of Harrogate Borough, Cllr. Robert Windass  and Club President Val Hills, presented

President’s Blog – October

It has been a busy month of events. The nights are drawing in and I’m still getting used to ‘gaining’ an extra hour. I write this the day after my return from a fabulous 4 days at our Federation Conference, Climate for Change in Belfast.

President’s Blog – September

Welcome to my September/ October Blog, Cost of Living Crisis Thank you to Club Members who’ve donate blankets/throws/ hot water bottles, flasks and hats for the Harrogate District Food Bank. I know this will help make a difference. People are already struggling to get by