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Misty our medical detection dog

Back in 2018 our Club President was Heidi Lewis and one of her chosen charities was Medical Detection Dogs so we sponsored a puppy to be trained up.  We recently received one of our regular updates from the Charity telling us how Misty is getting on.  We’re delighted with the progress she’s making …………


Misty is now 2 years old and what a busy time she’s had!

Over the past year, Misty has been out and about as much as possible as she continues her assistance dog apprenticeship with Medical Detection Dogs.

Now that lockdown is easing, we are able to get out and about with the dogs in training again. Misty is enjoying her experiences and has recently been on the bus and the train. She is an easy-going young lady and is very confident in new places. She really enjoys a café visit and has very much mastered settling while her socialiser drinks her coffee.

Misty loves a free run and is regularly on the beach with a fellow dog in training who lives in the same village. They really enjoy their meet ups and a play together.

We are really pleased with Misty’s progress. She is currently working on the more advanced aspects of her training towards becoming an assistance dog and is perfecting her ability to retrieve. This could prove invaluable in the future as she may be required to retrieve medication for whoever he is partnered with.

Misty has been working especially hard on her heelwork as this is a key part of any Medical Alert Assistance Dog training. There has been a huge improvement with this, and she is lovely to take out on her lead.

Misty has recently undertaken her final assessment and we are now looking to match her with a suitable client. She will then start on the next phase of her journey, which involves client specific training to ensure the partnership works.

Misty is developing nicely, and we are seeing good progress. We are proud of her progress and look forward to updating you for the final time in the next six months.

E:, T: 01296 655888

3 Millfield, Greenway Business Park, Winslow Road, Great Horwood, Milton Keynes, MK17 0NP.