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Notes of Business Meeting February 9th 2023

SI Ilkley Notes of Business Meeting 9th February 2023

Apologies: Angela St. John, Brenda Brown, Loraine Powell, Anne Clarke, Gill Wilkinson, Glennis Senior

Minutes of last meeting: were accepted as a correct record


March 10th: Fair Trade Bake Off for Schools and other organisations in Ilkley. Judging, including our judge Angela, at 4p.m. Please keep date free.

March 1st: Carnival

July 1st Garden Wander: 1-5p.m craft, book and plant stalls as well as the wander. More gardens needed on the Ben Rhydding side of Ilkley – suggestions welcome, volunteers even more so

June RCM: craft materials wanted by the women at Askham Grange. Please bring to the May meeting

Also July 1st: Ilkley Pride festival email seeking support for this event to be circulated by Jo.


RCM 18th March: Theme “Others You Meet”, speaker from Participate. The cost is £25 – please let Jo know and have money before 24th February. 

Flash Mob: 8th March at 12.45 for 1p.m in the Trinity Centre Leeds

Flash Mob Rehearsal: 19th March 3p.m at Silsden Methodist Church. If you want to join in please let Margaret know so we can share cars.

Events: 30th March, 6 for 6.30 Talk by Dame Vera Baird, SI Richmond and Dales

20th March 7.30 Talk by founder of Principle Trust, SI Skipton

 2nd April Skipton Charter Lunch

Treasurer’s business: Brenda has provided an update of our outgoings both recent and expected together with her recommendation for next year’s subscription. Please read so that we can vote at the March meeting. 

 AOB:    All of us reminded to join the SIGBI Hub. 

Janet Ramsden thanked everyone for the cards and messages and said how much it had helped her to know that people cared for her.

We were asked to encourage support for our next Speaker meeting, Jo to forward detailsto go on Ilkley Chat.  

Our daffodils are growing. Photos needed for the website when they are in full flower.

DONM: March 9th at Clarke Foley Centre- Business Meeting to be chaired by Janet M and Angela