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2022 Member’s Evening

This was a second opportunity to catch up with friends with another face-to-face meeting.

Val, the president gave an overview of club structure which was supported by guiding everyone to the different web site associated with the organisation. This was followed by Hillary who gave us an overview of the current membership and the joining process for the new members and potential members at the meeting.


Deirdre followed with what is often seen as the heart of the club with information about the wide and varied activities the club had undertaken the previous year.


Sandra, one of the most recent new members was asked to introduce herself. Sandra had been introduced into the club by Kath and entertained the meeting with a side show to illustrate her stories. She finished with a short film of her stepson’s lavish Indian wedding.


Below is we have our President Val, introducing the evening and giving her talk. And the adjacent photo is of an embroidery produced by Sandra. One of the slides


The President talking through the club structure
Members Evening – An Introduction to the Club


Sandra's Sowing
             Sandra Embroidery