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A New member being welcomed to the club

2021 Friendship Evening

Our Friendship Evening was a great success even though the musician was unable to attend due to testing positive for Covid. The highlight of the evening was the welcoming into the Club of a new member, Sandra. The photo includes Kath who introduced Sandra to

2021 Summer Outing

The summer outing took place on a warm and showery overcast day but that did not stop the enjoyment. Despite the country still being in the grip of the Covid pandemic there was a great turn out for the event.   A canal boat ride
Open Garden IN Lancaster - Janie's Garden

Open Garden

On two dates, one in July and the other in August green fingered members of our club hosted an open garden event. Inviting friends and other members around to view their green endeavours and enjoy a cake and a coffee and chat-up. Over £1000 was

Morecambe Friendship Evening

A great evening was had supporting our sister club in Morecambe. Divided into teams of 4 the members who attended where challenged with what turned out to be a difficult quiz.  The winners included the only male guest, whose general knowledge left us all very
Regional President giving prize

Regional Lunch 2021

Regional Lunch September 12, 2021   Several members from Lancaster joined many other from across the region for the annual lunch and award ceremony. Lancaster members went head to head with another club in tie breaker for the Location in Lancashire competition. Do you know
Food Parcel Box Decorated by Ruth

First Food Parcels

Often women arrive at the Lancaster Women’s Refuge with very little. So Lancaster Soroptimist were asked if that would provide a food pack. The pack contains basic items like tea, coffee, long-life milk, biscuits and a few easily prepared meals like soup and noodles. There

Global Village at Work in the Kitchen

International Day of Peace Dinner 2021

The venue for this years Peace Dinner was new to many people but thankfully Mary was on hand to guide us in the right direction. The tables were beautifully decorated by Janie and Global Village had supplied a small autumnal small flower decoration. Global village

Fistula Hopital Delivery November 2020

Shawls, Cardigans and Hats An astonishing 52 shawls, 53 cardigans and 5 hats will start their journey to the Fistula Hospital this November 20. These include donations from SI Pendleside and SI Blackpool as well as Lancaster’s talented members.

More Colourful Characters

Another Colourful Character filled Story Book The Stick Man was brought to life by member of our club. They received the thanks from the school and were told the children love the story Look at the many characters that make up the story.

Welcome Pack Made during Lockdown

Welcome Packs The need to welcome packs did not diminish just because the country was in lockdown. Lancaster’s SI members continued to provide the toiletries to make it all possible. Each kit is packed into a drawstring bag made by one of two talented sewers,