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Lancaster SI Goes Orange

UN launched a campaign to End Violence against Women. The campaign designates 25th day of each month as Orange Day. As 25th June is a meeting date for Lancaster Soroptimists – UK, their current President, Hilary, suggested that they would use the opportunity to highlight that

Jams, Prickles and Chutneys

Supporting the NHS During Covid-19 Pandemic

Lancaster Soroptimist UK is proud to support the NHS for Covid19. Our President Elect Val, sold homemade jam and chutneys from her front garden (social distancing observed). Most of the items on sale had been made from produce from her allotment. This the truly showing

Karen, Club President 2019 Remembrance Sunday holding the wreath to be laid on behalf of Lancaster SI

Rememberance Sunday 2019

On the days we remember those who gave their lives in conflicts we often hear the Ode of Remembrance. It is the fourth stanza taken from Laurence Binyon’s poem, For the Fallen. It is often followed by the playing of Last Post. This year our
Lancaster Soroptimist walking to highlight Modern Slavery

Raising Awareness of Modern Slavery

A number of members and friends turned out to support Pan Lancashire Anti-Slavery Partnership with a walk on a beautiful Saturday afternoon from St Thomas Church to the Slave memorial. As well as the walk there was a stall in the Market and the bus
Lancaster Welcomes Garstang members cyclists

Supporting Garstand Cyclists

Two members of the Garstang Soroptimist club, who were undertaking a long distance bike ride for charity, were met by supporters from their sister club in Lancaster. Kate and her friend are both enthusiastic cyclists. They were riding from Grange to Garstang along the popular

That End of Term Feeling

Last Meeting before the Summer Break The last meeting before the summer break was made special by the music and singing provided by the U3A Ukulele band. With cakes and coffee to follow it was the perfect end to this round of meetings. Many Thanks

Jazz Event For Lancshire Life Education

Good Fun and Good Causes Despite the rain the Jazz Afternoon on Saturday 27th was a great success. Well done Ruth and Stuart for a wonderful afternoon. Many thanks to the Band who played on despite the damp conditions.  

Awards and Presentations

A Special Guest Members were delighted to welcome the Regional President, Alison to the last business meeting before the summer break. It was a great opportunity to recognise members contribution. Alison presented  the President Elect with her badge. The was followed by a presentation to

Summer Outing 2019

Great Day- Good food, good weather and great company Members enjoyed this years summer outing. First a lunch in good company at the Strickland Arms and the on for a tour of Sizergh Castle. Many thanks to Kath for all her hard work  organising the