President Stella, members and guests let their hair down at our Friendship Night event on October 18th. The entertainment was provided by ‘Loose Change’,a group of musicians who raise funds for the charity Cancer Research UK. They busk on a regular basis in Wilmslow’s
and Chorlton’s shopping centres and take bookings to play at events. They do not take any fees themselves and every penny they raise goes to the charity. They sing and play the pop songs we all grew up with to make you want to sing along, tap your feet or take to the dance floor.
As usual for Friendship Night candles were lit for our Friendship Link clubs of Calcutta Downtown, Johannesburg, St Petersburg and Witchita, as well as one for SIGBI and one for Soroptimist International.
A delicious cheese and wine supper was served and a raffle held to boost funds for Cancer Research.
We were pleased that members and Soroptimisters from SI Ashton and SI Stockport were also able to join us for the evening.