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Tea with the Mayor

Tea with the Mayor


The Mayor of Trafford, Councillor Rob Chilton, entertained President Rosemary and six club members in his Parlour at Trafford Town Hall yesterday. Formally Stretford Town Hall, it is now a listed building. Rob explained how the Mayor is selected and his own journey to the role; he described the history of the various mayoral chains and sceptres, and showed us some of the gifts that have been received over the years. We then paid a visit to the council chamber and he talked about how council proceedings are conducted before returning to the parlour for tea and cake and an informal chat. Members attending made donations to the Mayor’s Charity Fund. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and informative afternoon and we are very grateful to the Mayor for inviting us. Barbara Blaber

New Member

New Member


Fabiola was presented with her badge and welcomed to the club by President Rosemary at our November meeting. Fabiola is a Modern Slavery Project Co-ordinator working with AFRUCA . She designed and implemented the Modern Slavery Project for partnership work AFRUCA-Manchester City Council. She is passionate about community engagement and empowerment; and safeguarding against any abuse. She has worked with Public Health England for 12 years, designed and implemented Sexual Health/HIV prevention campaigns for Black and Minority Ethnics and LGBT in the UK and more in Greater Manchester. She is a members of UKCAB, a national group to advocate for HIV treatment for all. She has done consultancy work for Global Fund in Dakar-Senegal on Measuring service availability at health facility level (malaria, TB and HIV). She has expertise in research around gender based violence and in sexual health. Fabiola is curious about world cultures

New member

New member


Fii was welcomed to the Club by President Rosemary and presented with her badge at our October meeting. Fii is a psychiatrist with more than 15 years experience working with mostly women in mental health rehabilitation and forensic services. She is currently working in Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust in the community. Fii is also one of the founder members of Tanzania-UK Healthcare Diaspora Association working to improve healthcare provision through educational seminars or projects linking with Health Education England and the British Tanzania Society. As a new Soroptimist Fii is looking forward to learn and be involved in different activities.

Age UK Salford Boat Race

Age UK Salford Boat Race


This year’s event was held on World Alzheimer’s Day – 21st September – and included boat races, information stalls and food. The aim was to challenge the stigmas associated with dementia and to enable people to learn more about the support available for families affected by dementia in Salford. Three of our members ran the tombola and we were pleased to be able to give a donation to Age UK Salford from our Daisy Cross fund.

Think On It

Think On It


At the start of her year as Federation President, Sue Williams asked us to ‘Think On It’ – to talk about mental health and the importance of speaking out and raising awareness. To coincide with World Mental Health Day we arranged a ‘Think On It’ event and were joined by friends, family and members of other Clubs in the South Lancashire Region. Three speakers gave us an insight into various aspects of mental health – Sarah Pritchard spoke about her work at Stockport Women’s Centre with women who have been involved with the criminal justice system and have experienced anxiety, stress and trauma. Alison Forster is studying for a MSc in Sport, Physical Activity and Mental Health at Edge Hill University; she emphasised how important physical activity is to everyone’s mental health. Fii Pendaeli is a psychiatrist (and one of our newer members) – she

Medical Detection Dogs

Medical Detection Dogs


he speaker at our October meeting was Elizabeth Muir from Medical Detection Dogs. The charity was established in 2008 and is at the forefront of research into the diagnosis of cancer and in helping people with life-threatening diseases. Bio-Detection Dogs are able to find the odour of diseases, such as cancer, in samples of urine and breath. Medical Alert Assistance Dogs detect changes in an individual’s personal odour and alert them or a carer to an impending event. The dogs receive the highest standards of care – living in the homes of staff or volunteers where they are loved and cared for as part of the family. Hilaria gave the vote of thanks and presented a cheque; the charity receives no government funding and we were please to be able to give a donation towards their work.

Lunch at the Clink

Lunch at the Clink

Members enjoyed lunch at the Clink Restaurant in Styal on 11th July. They were joined by Kate Green, MP for Stretford and Urmston and vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women in the Penal System, and by Rob Green (Mayor of Trafford) who was there in a personal capacity.
August speaker

August speaker


Liz Clarke from Becky’s Bathhouse spoke at our August meeting. The charity was set up after the murder of Liz’s niece Rebecca Dykes in Lebanon . It provides much needed showers and hygienic services in a safe environment for women refugees. They work closely with other organisations and depend on volunteers to run the Bathhouse.