In true Soroptimist style, President Rose overcame several challenges to preside over a very successful Charter Dinner at the Marriott Hotel, Hale Barns. Most guests arrived despite the bad weather, including Rose’s family and Past President Molly who braved the trains from London. In her toast to the City and Ports of Manchester, Rose explained how she came to Manchester on a temporary assignment but never left. In response, the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor June Hitchen, praised her beloved city, looking forward to her year as Lord Mayor – especially appropriate for a woman as we celebrate the centenary of the first women getting the vote. Elaine de Fries, Operations Manager of Manchester Women’s Aid, proposed the toast to Soroptimist International based on working with us on the ‘Women’s Words on Manchester’ project. Guest speaker, Hannah Flint of the Modern Slavery Response Network, encouraged us