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Red Roses in Glasgow!

Red Roses in Glasgow!

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Seven Manchester members attended the 81st Federation Conference of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland in Glasgow in November 2015. The photograph shows our Honorary Members, Yvonne Mullen and Kathleen Beavis, getting ready to welcome incoming Federation President Margaret Emsley, who is a member of the Ashton-under-Lyne club. No ladies, you are supposed to wave your Lancashire red roses!

November Speaker Meeting

November Speaker Meeting

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President Sue welcomed Sam Baxendale as our speaker at the November meeting. Sam works for the Medaille Trust and manages two safe houses for the victims of human trafficking. She told us about the process that victims go through in the UK. When a person is identified, usually by the police, there is a National Referral Mechanism which comes into action. Eight days are allocated in which time the person is referred to the National Crime Agency to establish if there are ‘reasonable grounds’ to assume they are a victim of human trafficking. This being established, they are given a further 45 days respite in a safe house. The government has a contract with the Salvation Army who works with other charities such as the Medaille Trust to house victims. Sam told us many personal stories of the people she has helped in the north. Victims can be repatriated by

October Speaker Meeting

October Speaker Meeting

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Judy Hibbert, the Community Fundraising Co-ordinator for Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention charity, was our speaker in October. The Nightingale Centre and the Genesis Prevention Centre was Europe’s first breast cancer prevention centre when it opened 8 years ago. The centre offers state of the art diagnosis and treatment services to women and men with breast cancer and co-ordinates with the NHS breast-screening programme for Greater Manchester. Judy spoke passionately about the clinical excellence of the centre and the fundraisers and the work they do to support it.

September Speaker Meeting

September Speaker Meeting

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We were pleased to welcome Jeanette Grimley to our September speaker meeting. Jeanette gave us an excellent insight into the Bridge2Aid dental charity and the vital work they are doing in sub-Sahara Africa. Jeanette is a dental hygienist by profession, and Bridge2Aid presently work in Tanzania to train community health workers in ‘hands on’ dental care for the patients they see. These health workers are already clinically trained to deliver a wide range of health services in their rural communities, and the vital extra training provided by the charity will now enable them to check dental health and perform ‘on demand’ procedures such as dental extractions. Without this help people (many of them children) can face years of pain and the severe effects that come with septicaemia. Jeanette spoke passionately about the charity and how they work with the communities they help, rather than apply a ‘western approach’ that is not always

Strawberry Tea 2015

Strawberry Tea 2015

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The sun shined on Sunday August 9th when Honorary Member, Yvonne Mullen, opened her home to members for our charity Strawberry Tea. President Sue welcomed members and guests to an afternoon of friendship, fun, conversation and delicious food. A ‘Golden Wedding’ rose bush was presented to Past President Shena Cuttle and her husband Barry, with best wishes and congratulations from the club on the 50 years of marriage they have just celebrated.    

Mugs & Drinks packs for Manchester Women’s Aid

Mugs & Drinks packs for Manchester Women’s Aid

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As this is our 90th year as a Club, 90 “Drinks Packs” were made up this week to be presented to Manchester Women’s Aid. Each has tea, coffee, chocolate and biscuits, packed in a mug, and is a gift, from us, to each new arrival in one of Manchester’s five Women’s Refuges, so that in a time that has been traumatic for them they will have the ability to make themselves a drink in their own mug.  

Junior Royal Northern College of Music Prize 2015

Junior Royal Northern College of Music Prize 2015

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Since the year 2000 SI Manchester has provided an award for a Soprano at the Royal Northern College of Music Junior School Prize Giving. and we are invited to be there to present it. A Legacy from former Member Helen Latto enabled us to do this and the Award bears her name. This year’s recipient is 17 year old Grace O’Mally, from Rossendale. Grace has been at RNCM since she was 11 year’s old and has one more year there as a Junior. She comes from a family of singers and although both her sisters sang in choirs with her, they have not continued. She hopes to move into a career as a soprano, but is not sure in which field that will be yet. She will decide when she has completed further training in the adult field.

July Speaker Meeting

July Speaker Meeting

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Val Moss our Programme  Action  Officer  introduced our speaker Martin Smedley from the charity Act4Africa. Also attending were Regional President Margaret Baker and Regional Programme Action Officer Margaret Molyneux. Martin came to update us on his recent trip to Malawi. Our club has put forward the charities Heal Project as the Sigbi ‘s Quadrennial project and it has been shortlisted to the final three . We were very excited to hear about his update . He played a short video- The Girl Effect- The Clock is ticking which was very powerful . It showed how 12 year old girls were considered women in some African countries and the consequences of that . It also showed how things could be changed and the girls kept in education and as a result their lives could be so much better. He gave us some case studies about how

June Speaker Meeting

June Speaker Meeting

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President Elect Molly welcomed Eliazar Rose as our speaker at the June meeting. Eliazar is the Director of the New Hope Rural Trust in Orissa, India, a charitable foundation which the club has supported for many years. He comes to speak to us whenever he is in the UK and this was his third visit. About 15 years ago, the late Dorothy Mountford saw an appeal in a newspaper from New Hope asking for clean, used tights. It was then a leper colony and the tights were used to secure patients’ dressings, thus enabling the expensive bandages to go further. Dorothy brought this to the club’s attention and ‘the rest is history’. New Hope will help anyone in need and a few years later the club sponsored the building of a 15 bed hospice for HIV positive children at New Hope. Later on we sponsored cataract surgery for the elderly, and most recently