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A Letter to a Duchess

Duchess-of-Cornwall-in-Manchester1In Autumn 2015, the members of Soroptimist International of Manchester were interested to read an article in a newspaper about the Duchess of Cornwall visiting a rape crisis centre in London. She expressed the idea that giving a small gift of toiletries to survivors of such crimes could make a great difference to them, by bringing them the “human touch” after their trauma.

Thisstuck a chord with members of SI Manchester who have been donating toiletries to St Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) here in our city since it opened in 1986, and they asked Val Moss, their Programme Action Officer, to write to the Duchess about it. In the letter Val informed the Duchess that St Mary’s SARC would be marking their 30th Anniversary year in 2016 and expressed the hope that she would visit them if she were able.

Sometimes Soroptimist dreams do come true, and on April 26th the Duchess of Cornwall did indeed come to see for herself. Her Royal Highness was greeted and given a tour of the Centre by Dr Cathy White, the Clinical Director, and Val and President Molly were privileged to be amongst those introduced to her.

At the end of the tour the Duchess unveiled a plaque on the occasion of the centre’s 30-10 Anniversary, which marks 30 years since they opened and 10 years since their specialised paediatric service

Dr White thanked the Duchess for visiting the centre and raising awareness. The Duchess said that she had learned that St Mary’s was the first of its kind in this country, had been told that it was the best and expressed the wish that we all keep talking about such issues.

President Molly had only been in office for a few weeks, so this was the first engagement of her year. She is American and married to a Mancunian, and says that her Mum back home was very proud to hear how her Presidential year had begun.

The photographs show the Duchess meeting a survivor and unveiling the plaque. President Molly and PAO Val are pictured with Dr. White(Clinical Director) and Bernie Ryan (Centre Manager) after the unveiling.


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