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Diaries for Women Matta

Diaries for Women Matta


Women Matta is a charity that supports women affected by the criminal justice system and those at risk and has been one of our projects for several years. We were asked to provide diaries to be included in Christmas gift packs for the charity’s service users and were quickly able to collect over 200. These were delivered, together with ASDA vouchers, underwear, toiletries and other items in good time for Christmas, Although not directly connected with Women Matta, we also received an appeal from Diane Hawkins, High Sheriff of Greater Manchester.  She had visited Styal Prison and was horrified to find that many of the women had only one set of underwear. We were happy to join other clubs in the South Lancashire region by donating many of the items needed.

Planting Trees for a Brilliant Future

Planting Trees for a Brilliant Future


To celebrate 100 years of Soroptimist International, clubs all over the world have been planting trees. A hawthorn tree was obtained from the Woodland Trust and on 29th November, during National Tree Week, President Rose and members visited Coppice Library and Wellbeing Centre in Sale to plant the tree.   Rebecca, co-ordinator of the Wellbeing Gardening Group, researched some of the history and folklore surrounding the hawthorn – When hawthorn appears, it brings a message of hope and healing for our heart on both the physical and emotional level. This could signal the beginning of a new relationship or adventure. When we open our hearts and minds to what is possible, we soon discover that we are not alone on our journey. Hawthorn cleanses the heart of negativity and replenishes the body through nourishment. Hawthorn encourages us to feel renewed and refreshed as we venture

Act4Africa’s 20th Anniversary

Act4Africa’s 20th Anniversary


Act4Africa is celebrating its anniversary with a ’20 miles for 20 years’ fundraiser. Our Programme Action officer, Barbara, has supported this by walking with Jamie, her Labrador, in 20 of Greater Manchester’s parks – including Dainewell Park, John Leigh Park, Worthington Park, Sale Water Park, Victoria Park, Walton Park, Urmston Meadows, Trafford Ecology Park and, last but not least, Alexandra Park.      

Emmeline’s Pantry

Emmeline’s Pantry


Emmeline’s Pantry – a food bank with a difference – is a charity the Club has supported for several years. It ensures that women in need are provided with the best possible support and the things they need most – including food, toiletries, baby equipment and clothes. Club members responded to the Christmas appeal for warm pyjamas and were able to deliver them and visit the new community garden at the same time.

Getting together again

Getting together again


Although we were able to start face-to-face meetings again in August, it has been a long time since many of our members have been able to meet socially. We decided to arrange a social lunch and a coffee morning. The lunch was held at the Belmore Hotel, Sale, and the coffee morning at President Rose’s home. Both events were very enjoyable and the coffee morning raised much needed funds for our charities.  

International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace


The International Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on 21st September. Soroptimists were asked to light candles during to 10 days leading up to the Soroptimist International Centenary Celebrations starting on 1st October and to make a wish for a better world for women and girls. We were able to do this at our Executive Committee meeting on 21st September.    

Rose Bowl Challenge

Rose Bowl Challenge


The Regional Rose Bowl Challenge was based on Regional President Josie’s theme of ‘Facing Challenges, Making Changes, Moving Forward Together’. Josie asked each Club to consider how it did this in its own unique way and to submit an entry that describes what that challenge was, how it was resolved and the impact it had on the community. Programme Action Officer, Barbara, and Communications Officer, Sue, compiled our entry entitled ‘Programme Action Re-imagined’ and we were delighted that it was the winner. The club held its customary Programme Action review in January at which it became apparent, as we encouraged our newer members to embrace Programme Action, that a rethink was needed. The first step was to establish two committees – People & Prosperity and Planet. Members were invited to join one or both depending on time and interests. The People & Prosperity committee reviewed

New Members’ and Awards Lunch

New Members’ and Awards Lunch


This popular regional event is held biennially to welcome new members to S I South Lancashire and to celebrate our regional achievements. This year it took place on Sunday 19th September and, once again, was held at Statham Lodge Country House Hotel in Lymm. All members were encouraged to attend – not only to support the new members from our club, but also to take advantage of the opportunity to celebrate together with members, new and established, from other clubs in the South Lancashire region. Over 100 members from the region attended. Our club was delighted to win the Rose Bowl Challenge – President Josie praised the Club for its recent audit of its work in which members assessed challenges and changes and set out a clear plan of action.

Mug Packing for Manchester Women’s Aid

Mug Packing for Manchester Women’s Aid


Members enjoyed another successful evening at President Rose’s home packing mugs for Manchester Women’s Aid. Every women arriving at a refuge, after escaping domestic violence,  is given her own mug carefully wrapped in biodegradeable paper and containing sachets of tea, coffee, chocolate and a biscuit. These are greatly appreciated and members are delighted to be able to help in this way. Thanks to President Rose for hosting the evening.