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Sorotimists 75th anniversary 3 June 2021
Which Soroptimist club is celebrating their 75th anniversary?

Which Soroptimist club is celebrating their 75th anniversary?

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Today Medway and Maidstone Soroptimists are proud to be celebrating their 75th anniversary since the club was originally chartered on 3 June 1946. At that time the Federation President Miss FM Bailey commented: - 'To be a Soroptimist is not merely to be a member of a Club, but to be a member of a community which by its aims and objects is pledged to fellowship and service' During this time we have carried out project work locally, nationally and internationally whilst having fun and enjoying friendship with like-minded women.       Do look at our website or Facebook page to find out more and if you think you might like to join us then all enquiries will be most welcome - go to Contact us
Why Regional members became Soroptimists?

Why Regional members became Soroptimists?

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May is membership month and Soroptimists from across the South East England Region have shared with us why they became Soroptimists and this has been captured in this YouTube video.  Some are from newer members of SI Medway and Maidstone, Sharon, Annette and Sandra, others are from SI Canterbury, SI Croydon, SI East Grinstead, SI Eastbourne and SI Tunbridge Wells. If  you think you might like to become a Soroptimist then we are always looking for new members and across our Region there are 11 clubs so if you live in the South East then there will be a club near you.  Do make contact with us via our Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) head office on Contact Us | Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) | SIGBI  

Who is speaking at the Zoom Coffee Morning?

Who is speaking at the Zoom Coffee Morning?

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Carol Infanti has organised the next Club Zoom Coffee Morning with Dr Mary Buchanan on Tuesday 18 May 11am- 12pm. Mary is an honorary member of SI Medway and Maidstone and has been a Soroptimist since 1967 when she joined SI Maidstone. She has held leadership roles at local, national and international level. In 1991 she was Chairman of the Soroptimist International Convention We were delighted that Mary was selected to be one of the 100 women whose life and career are being celebrated by SIGBI to mark 100 years of Soroptimist International. #Whoisshe Mary has kindly agreed to talk about her work and career including her role as President of EUROPA DONNA, setting up a Well Woman Clinic, an Adolescent Clinic and Cervical Screening Clinic and much more.