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SI Middlesbrough 2024-25

  We are pleased to have Carol as our Chairperson this year. Pam remains as secretary and Shuntaz goes into her second year as treasurer. Kath will be co-ordinating our programme action. We have a full programme of interesting speakers, activities and social events which

An Update on Climate Action Middlesbrough (15/06/23)

We are hosting an open meeting at Middlesbrough Sports Village on Thursday, the 15th of June 2023 from 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. All are welcome; just contact to confirm attendance! It involves an update on Climate Action Middlesbrough project, with David Scriven as

Coastal Clean-up (11/05/2023)

When the call went out from SIGBI for Soroptimists to involve themselves in ‘The Big Help Out’, an invitation for us all to volunteer in our local communities to mark the Coronation, our members took up the challenge. We registered an environmental activity on The

UPDATE: Walk for Clean Water – 20/10/2022

We will have Ruth Mayes and David Hill from Stokesley Rotary Club as speakers for our October’s meeting. They will be giving a presentation about their 100-mile ‘Walk for Water’ event in 2019. They raised just over the targeted £5,000 for the Village Water charity to

UPDATE: Quiz Night (09/09/2022)

We were honoured to have the Chair of SI Foundation, Sue Williams, with us on the evening. It was a delightful event attended by our friends. The delicious buffet was prepared by our members which was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to all our members

Keeping the Surroundings Clean

SIM members took part in a litter pick in Stewart Park organised by Climate Action Middlesbrough earlier this month for Love Parks Week. Also, our members attended Middlesbrough Mela at Albert Park to make people realise the importance of keeping their surroundings clean. People were

Our Speakers!

Since our AGM, we have had wonderful speakers. In May, we had Val Lambert, talking about yoga and its benefits, and this month we had our new member Catherine Donovan, speaking about her work as an Educational Psychotherapist. We are thankful to both for enlightening

International Women’s Day Celebration

Recently, we had International Women’s Day celebration where we were delighted to welcome guests from SI Stockton, and, also, some of the wonderful women who had featured in Jan Hunter’s series in the Darlington and Stockton Times (D&S T). Our speaker, Hannah Chapman, is the

11 February - International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Books Donated to Local Schools

‘Overcoming the Odds’ is a book that had been put together by our members during first lockdown in 2020. The book was sold for £10 and was well received by the readers. Recently, Middlesbrough Soroptimists decided that surplus copies of the book should be put