SIM Vice President, Pauline Reed, and Current President, Alwyn Kraus
Courtesy of Ann Nelson of SI Durham
SIM President, Alwyn Kraus
Courtesy of Ann Nelson of SI Durham
Courtesy of Ann Nelson of SI Durham
Courtesy of Ann Nelson of SI Durham
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
Margaret Clark presenting Gift to Tees Valley Youth Choir
SIM Members Kauser Hussain and Asiya Dawood (L-R)
Ann Nelson of SI Durham
ADVERT (20/09/2015)
President Alwyn Kraus and members of SI Middlesbrough invite you to the Club’s 70th Charter Lunch on Saturday 10th October2015 at noon for 12:30 p.m. at Gisborough Hall, Whitby Lane, Guisborough, TS14 6PT.
Gentlemen are most welcome.
Cost: £25 to include orange juice on arrival, 2-course meal, celebration cake, tea, coffee.
Menu and reply slip attached. Closing date: Friday 2nd October 2015.