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Memorable Moments

A wonderful afternoon hosted by SI Rugby in Woolston – watch it here on YouTube:


President Liz Takes to the Skies!

Regional President Liz did a tandem skydive on June 2nd to raise money for Cancer Support UK.  The Just Giving page for donations can be found here:


More Memorable Moments for SI Kenilworth!

Two members of SI Kenilworth Farida Butt and Sharon Maxted both received awards from Town Mayor Cllr Alix Dearing “For exceptional
service to the town.” Farida’s was for the ‘Education 4 All’ and her other support work for inclusive communities centred at her Milk and Mocha cafe, now a favourite venue for coffee and a chat in the town centre.  Sharon’s was for setting up and running the Repair Cafe Kenilworth, which is all about repairing things, not throwing them away.


SI Kenilworth Member Honoured by the High Sheriff of Warwickshire!

Residents and organizations in and around Leamington, Warwick, and Kenilworth were recently celebrated for their outstanding community contributions at the annual High Sheriff awards. Hosted by Sophie Hilleary, Warwickshire’s High Sheriff for the term 2023/24, the event took place at the Old Shire Hall in Warwick on March 26. The gathering aimed to acknowledge the efforts of individuals and groups, nominated by the public, who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Warwickshire.

During the evening, 47 individuals were honoured with a certificate from the High Sheriff.  Among the recipients were Gill Schofield for her work with the Kenilworth Soroptimists creating Trauma-Informed Refuge properties and her partner Gerry Condon for his work with the Kenilworth Lions setting up new refuge homes for families fleeing their homes due to domestic abuse.

Gill generously attributed the honour to the entire club, emphasizing that all members are actively involved in this vital cause.




Leamington Soroptimists Off to a Flying Start!

Since our charter on the 6th of July this year, it’s been a whirlwind of activity! Besides the incidental
money that we donate to the Esther Project, which is our target charity, directly supporting
up to eight women in a domestic abuse refuge, our first targeted and successful fundraising event
was at the Wren Hall Cake Sale, where our bountiful and abundant offerings raised more than £600.
£400 was allocated to providing nine sessions of person-centred counselling for women who are
residents within Esther House.

Continuing on the local theme, we organised a Sunday afternoon tea
with a speaker, Richard McCann, whose goodwill was an absolute coup since the ITV documentary
featuring him and his mother, Wilma McCann, the first victim of the serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, was
due to air on Monday the following evening. The formula worked superbly for what felt like a
minimal effort to get 55 guests; we raised over £1200, of which £400 we have agreed to release to
support one member of Esther House so that she can pursue further training to become a counsellor
with Warwick University.

We’ve decided on a rolling schedule of two quarterly events continuing the speaker’s theme; we’re
delighted to be able to host Loyd Grossman for a talk with accompanying cheese, wine, and canapés.
We have our audacious ambitions for this to be extremely well attended. Do take this as an
opportunity to be able to come and join us at The Royal Pump Rooms. Our audacious fundraising
hopes are more than £2,500. Alongside this, we’ve launched a literary Sunday tea and cake session;
the next one will be in March. Our author will be Kit de Waal, who has achieved national prominence
by serialising her book My Name is Leon. We have authors in June and September also agreed.

We’re very comfortable that we’ve got the fundraising nailed, but we’re mindful that we need to be
more active in the community to raise the lives of women and girls locally. We’re hoping to achieve
this by getting into schools to talk to girls about drink spiking after a talk at our November meeting
on the subject of drink spiking made us aware of just how prolific the issue is to the point that it is
almost institutionalised and accepted as part of young women’s experiences of going out. We feel
our skill set would be better utilised by seeking to go into schools and raise understanding from a
prevention perspective and an informing platform, as many young men regard it as a bit of a joke or
fair game. We also have two mentors now reusing to work in schools through the charity Flourished,
and three of our Soroptimists have volunteered to specifically teach Afghan women English, having
been relatively isolated living around Warwickshire and not in the immediate towns.

Leamington Spa Soroptimists are also assisting the efforts of the Kenilworth, now Warwickshire
Giving Tree, which supports the Warwickshire Young Carers charity to supply their most vulnerable
service users with Christmas presents. The project has supplied 70 presents to young carers between
6 and 23 over the last three years and raised £175 last year to support the charity further. We have
helped Laura Crawley, also a Soroptimist, with the rebrand from Kenilworth to Warwickshire Giving
Tree and have helped her and her team to get into two new venues through our connections, giving
the project the capacity to help twice as many young carers as last year by giving up our time and
skills. We have also sponsored a Christmas tree for the Leam Tree Fest, raising funds for our chosen
local charity, Helping Hands. We will soon be blinging up our bras to hang as decorations on our tree,
with the bras later making their onward journey to Bras for Africa.

Our global contribution to date is to donate a significant number of bras to Bras for Africa. This we
will keep doing on our own volition as and when. We’re really delighted with our healthy
membership figures and are holding our nerve on our determination to remain capped at 25
members. It has meant that we have already had conversations with two members who have not
attended any meetings during the last quarter. On reflection, they have decided to rescind their
membership whilst remaining firm supporters of our initiatives.

We’re learning quickly and coming to understand what makes a good Soroptimist, and
we’re really determined to have as much engagement across all of our members in our
earnest attempt to avoid too much being done by too few.

Finally, it was an absolute high and personally and professionally gratifying to stand on the national
stage and address the collective members assembled of this fine organisation. Leamington Spa
Soroptimists had Laura Crawley speaking alongside me, and that was incredible, given how she has
battled confidence and self-esteem issues. Another Soroptimist read out the testimony of one of our
members, Saoirse Welland, giving us an update about how the Diamond Fund Education Grant and
specifically how the appointment of a writing coach, Ali Bagley, is emboldening her voice and her
determination to help young people with addiction, specifically alcoholism and eating disorders. We
are all over the moon for Saoirse as she is now two years sober and feeling incredibly supported by
her Soroptimist sisters.

President Catherine Williamson


Shakespeare Soroptimist Launches with Prominent Figure Sally Bee as Club President

On a warm early autumn evening, Shakespeare Soroptimist celebrated the official signing of its charter and proudly introduced Sally Bee as the inaugural Club President. Shakespeare Soroptimist is an integral part of Soroptimist International, a global organization of women with strong ties to the United Nations.

Shakespeare Soroptimists hopes to become a powerful network that empowers women to connect, collaborate, and make a positive impact on the world. It welcomes all women who wish to meet like-minded women from diverse professional backgrounds, fostering an environment of friendship, camaraderie, and meaningful purpose.

Shakespeare Soroptimists will be dedicated to addressing global issues, with a primary focus on improving the lives of women and children. The club will actively engage with other Soroptimist International clubs, collectively raising their voices to advocate for the marginalized and underprivileged.

We congratulate all members of the new club and wish it every success in the future.  The club is excited to embark on this journey, and is proud to announce its initial projects:

  1. The Esther Project: This project aims to support Esther’s Retreat, providing a safe haven and support for women facing challenging circumstances.
  2. Women of Worth: Committed to uplifting and empowering women through this initiative, emphasizing the value and worth of each individual.
  3. Stratford’s New Youth Hub – Stratford Youth Collective:  Contributing to the establishment of a vibrant and welcoming space for the youth of our community.
  4. Ambulance Aid to Ukraine: In solidarity with those affected by crises,  sending vital medical aid to Ukraine, making a tangible difference in a time of urgent need.

The members extended their heartfelt appreciation to The Arden Hotel’s management and staff for hosting the launch event.



A New Club Emerges in Leamington: SI Leamington Charter Celebration

It is with immense pleasure that we announce the birth of a new club in the heart of Leamington, SI Leamington. The club’s official charter ceremony took place on July 6th, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all its members. Their hard work, passion, and commitment to making a difference have brought this project to a successful fruition.

Dishi Atwood, SIGBI Director of Membership, deserves special recognition for her tireless efforts in nurturing this club into existence. Her unwavering dedication has been instrumental in bringing SI Leamington to life.

In an intriguing twist, the chain used during the charter ceremony was borrowed from SI Solihull, as the Leamington chain was securely held in Stockport. Dishi Atwood and Cathy, an integral part of this journey, journeyed to Stockport the following day for a Board meeting, and the cherished chain is now proudly in the possession of President Catherine Williamson.

The charter celebration was witnessed by many regional members, including:

  • MAR President Liz Every   Our energetic, hard-working, and committed Regional President.
  • MAR Treasurer Andrea Kingston: A key financial steward ensuring the club’s prosperity and sustainability.
  • MAR Membership Officer Jan Hemlin: Playing a vital role in member engagement and growth.
  • SI Kenilworth President Amanda Jones: From the neighboring Kenilworth club, showing support and solidarity.

The inception of SI Leamington marks the beginning of a promising journey committed to making a meaningful impact on the local community and beyond. The club’s first initiatives include a bra collection, advocating for women’s health and dignity, along with extending a helping hand to the less fortunate through support for the Helping Hands Homeless charity.

SI Leamington invites the community, like-minded individuals, and partners to join them in their mission, working together to create positive change and spread a sense of purpose and solidarity.


Purple Reigns on International Women’s Day!

Following the huge success of the inaugural “Purpling the Park” pop-up event in 2022, when the local council gave permission to decorate all the benches in Kenilworth Abbey Fields to mark International Women’s Day,  Kenilworth Soroptimists repeated the performance in 2023, despite wind, hail, and snow!

Here’s how they did it – Decorations

Most members produced decorations for ‘Purpling the Park’ in 2022 so there was a cache stored for use this year.
However, some wear and tear meant more were needed.  Up stepped new and existing members to produce pom poms and garlands and crocheted flowers.

Here’s how they did it- Publicity

Communications Officer Sharon Maxted made sure Kenilworth Nub News and Kenilworth Vibes on Facebook featured the club’s plans. The Vibes post got 85 ‘likes’ including the Office of Kenilworth Liberal Democrats and Councillors Kate Dickson and Richard Hales.

Setting benchmarks high

On a bitterly cold afternoon the day before IWD, club members decorated all 30 benches in the park with purple garlands and inspirational quotes, and notices attached explaining IWD and its importance to Soroptimists.  A QR code also took the viewer to the Si Kenilworth website.
The ‘Purplers’ also acted as ambassadors for Club as they chatted and explained the event to interested passers-by, who were largely very enthusiastic in their response.

Some comments:-
“I’ve gone out of my way to see them all. Well done – I really appreciate the sentiments of each quote.” (Elderly man walking his dog in the park).  “I’ll tell all my girls (his wife and four daughters) to come and have a look at these” (Man sitting on one of the benches being decorated and lending a hand).   “This is great. I just wish my daughter’s school had done something about International Women’s Day.” (Woman passing as benches being dismantled).  “Those Lionesses were a credit to the country. They played football the way it’s meant to be played.” (Retired primary school headmaster walking his dog).

This was a 24-hour event, so the next day everything had to be dismantled amidst snow and freezing cold weather.  However, all agreed that it is definitely a fantastic awareness-raising event, both for International Womens Day and for Soroptimists!

Kenilworth Soroptimists have once again expanded awareness of Soroptimism to the residents of Kenilworth and visitors.





Women Change Makers in the Media!


“In the past, and, I think, a current issue for us as an organisation, is about getting the organisation known about worldwide.” –  Jean Lockley, Programme Action Officer, S.I. Kenilworth.

Jean is well known to most members in Region and now thanks to her interview with the Global Pop Up Newsroom on International Women’s Day, Jean and Soroptimism have been introduced to a worldwide audience!

Jean agreed to give a filmed interview in Kenilworth Abbey Fields to two students from Coventry University as part of a ‘Global Pop Up Newsroom’ where students of journalism across the world were putting together a magazine programme for International Women’s Day – ‘Women Change Makers’   She didn’t realise until she arrived for the interview that it would be live!  However, she handled it with her usual aplomb despite the atrocious weather.

Hasnat, the young man interviewing Jean, had a list of questions that might not have allowed a less media-savvy interviewee to make their most impactful response. Fortunately, we had Jean batting for Soroptimist International – and boy, did she persist!

Jean was clear about our commitment to women’s safety:
“We need to change the way in which women and girls are treated, that their safety is paramount both in the home and out in the community.”
She described what is possibly our raison d’etre:
“Women need a voice and through our organisation it’s one way they can be given a voice.”

When asked what she would say to the next generation Jean replied,  “It applies to boys and to girls. They need to be more aware of each other, and more respectful of each other. To think about caring and making those who have perhaps lesser opportunities, making more available with support to help than perhaps we do at the moment.”
And when asked what inspirational message she would like to give on International Women’s Day, Jean said,
“As women we’re strong and together we can be even stronger to bring about change.”
Jean’s interview, in buffeting winds and rain, was a tour de force and you can watch it in full here  Move the time bar to 3hrs 15 mins for Jean’s segment.

What a great way to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023!

Three Regions Picnic

A day of fun and friendship!

Members from 16 clubs in the Three Regions attended the Three Regions Picnic for the SIGBI Day of Action at the #NMA on Saturday 16th July.    The weather was very warm, the company excellent and although the statue was still undergoing repair, President Anne Rogers sourced two wooden Dynamic S shapes to top the plinth- fabulous!

Big shout out to Tony Archer, husband of Georgie Larsen Archer (SI Kenilworth & District) for designing and creating the wonderful ‘Dynamic S’s’!

And of course, not a piece of single-use plastic in sight! #SoroptimistDayofAction


Change of Insignia

The annual change of Insignia took place on April 10th.   Members of SI Stratford upon Avon laid on a wonderful vintage afternoon tea for us all to enjoy.

     Well done team Stratford!

We enjoyed some lovely cakes ……       and plenty of tea and coffee …….   along with a sprinkling of magic courtesy of Mr Millward


MAR President Anne Rogers shared the good news with us that 124,761 trees have been planted by SIGBI members around the world (including 150  planted by SI Rugby) during our centenary year.

The guest speaker was Karin Williams OBE, the CEO of Buddy Bag Foundation  She demonstrated what items go into the bags.  She told us that over 42,500 bags have been packed so far.  Bags have also been given to Ukrainian child refugees.

         Each bag contains one of these adorable teddies  

The Change of Insignia then took place:

SI Coventry – outgoing President Helen Taylor, incoming President Sue Beech

SI Kenilworth – outgoing President Julie Pemberton, incoming a Core Executive consisting of the Secretary, Treasurer,  Programme Action Officer and Regional Representative

SI Kidderminster – outgoing President Sue Clark, incoming shared Presidency between Sue Clark, Denice Carson and Hilary Thompson

SI Rugby – no incoming or outgoing Presidents.  Jan Bowden explained that duties would be on a shared rota basis with three groups focussing on the environment, women’s health, and education.

SI Solihull – outgoing President Margaret Lloyd, incoming President Jackie Atkinson

SI Stourbridge – outgoing President Linda Sanders, incoming President Jane Clarke

SI Stratford upon Avon – outgoing President Sue Simpkins, incoming President Val Clark




SI Kenilworth & District ‘Purples the Park’ for IWD on 8th March 2022

After our member Sharon gained permission from Warwick District Council to  “Purple the Park” in celebration of International Women’s Day, an intrepid team of Soroptimists set out to do just that.   On Monday afternoon, we set our faces against brisk March winds and tied knots and bows with numbed but still dexterous fingers to transform the benches with purple decorations and strong women quotes.

Thanks to the many members, family, and friends who had crafted flowers, hearts, garlands, bunting, and pompoms, there was an abundance of purple to frame the words of strong women.



       Barbara gets to work.      What a fabulous backdrop for Maya Angelou.         Malala continues to tell it like it is.

Whilst we were decorating the benches, several passers-by came to talk to us and tell us how impressed they were with the benches they’d already seen. Strong favourites were;


 “Cinderella didn’t ask for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress.”  “Without Hermione, Harry would die in Book 1.”

One bench which drew much interest and approval was the one that Trish had suggested we decorate in support of the people, especially the women, of Ukraine.


The High Sheriff of Warwickshire, Min, Lady Willoughby de Broke, showed a special interest and came to look at some of our decorated benches.

The High Sheriff wore purple and was thrilled to find a quote just right for a speech she was making that evening.

‘Here’s to strong women.  May we know them.  May we be them.  May we raise them.’

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Later we had our Afternoon Tea with Poetry to continue our celebration of International Women’s Day. The Mayor, Councillor Peter Jones and his wife, Mayoress Jenny Jones walked through Abbey Fields to see the benches before joining us for tea.

Mayoress Jenny Jones concluded our poetry readings with ‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph – so good it has to be reproduced here:

Warning by Jenny Joseph

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people’s gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

The Trail of Empowerment August 2021

SI Kenilworth & District celebrated the centenary by taking over the town of Kenilworth from 23rd-30th August 2020.   ‘The Women of Empowerment’ trail was a pictorial representation of the 100 most influential women (voted for by club members).  The images together with explanatory text was displayed in shop fronts, restaurants, and front gardens throughout the town.

Trail of Empowerment                                           Visit Kenilworth

The Change of Insignia 18th April 2021

This was a historic moment for Region – for the first time the Change of Insignia took place on Zoom, instead of during an afternoon tea in a smart location.  However, with the usual Soroptimist spirit. the incoming Presidents were toasted with fizz and homemade cakes!    During the afternoon, the Programme Action achievements of clubs were celebrated.


The ceremony was presided over by MAR President Elaine and MAR Past President Rose.  We were delighted that SIGBI President Johanna Raffan MBE could join us in our festivities.


Please enjoy the slide show featuring the incoming and outgoing Presidents:-


SI Coventry Speaker Meeting on Tuesday, 12 January 2021⋅18:45 – 21:15

The guest speaker at this event was local historian Pete Walters, who was invited in order to celebrate Coventry being the City of Culture in May 2021.  Peter is an interesting and engaging speaker who will have lots to tell us that will be relevant.  Peter is known by many as ‘Mr Coventry, ‘ a title he has earned through the innumerable award-winning newspaper features he has written about the city.   He has also written a book about the city entitled ‘The Little History of Coventry’.


SI Kenilworth & District 50th Anniversary Celebrations 2019

A weekend party for our Friendship Links, SI Arnhem Oost and SI Remscheid included a supper garden party, a guided tour of Lord Leycester Hospital with lunch in the Great Hall and a Barn Dance at Kenilworth Golf Club!



SI Kenilworth 50th Anniversary Civic Reception

On Friday 26th April 2019, President Sandra and Club members were delighted to celebrate our 50th club Anniversary in the company of our MP, the Right Hon Jeremy Wright, Town Mayor of Kenilworth Mike Hitchins and many friends from other voluntary organisations in Kenilworth.   We were also pleased that Isobel Smith, President-Elect of Soroptimists International Great Britain and Ireland, and Jan Hemlin, President of Midland Arden Region Soroptimists were able to join us.


SI Coventry 90th Celebrations!

President Sue and members of SI Coventry together with guests celebrated their 90th anniversary with a 90th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday, 30 March 2019, at the Brandon Hall Hotel, Brandon.  The guest speaker was Barbara Dixon, Vice President of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland.

Coventry 90th


Regional President Jan and Members Visit to Geneva and the United Nations 2019     


Jan Hemlin announced her intention to organise a visit to Geneva when she became President of Midland Arden Region and finally on Monday 29th April our visit began.

There were 27 Midland Arden Soroptimists, 6 Soroptimisters, and 20 Soroptimists from Scotland. We had all arranged our own travel and accommodation but it was good to see the majority of the Midland Arden group on the flight our from Birmingham.

On arrival in Geneva, our group from SI Kidderminster travelled by train from the airport together with another Midland Arden Group. Being a little shell shocked after the flight, we were pleased to be taken to our hotel by a delightful young man who wanted to demonstrate that Swiss people can be friendly and helpful. Apparently they have a reputation for being a little cold and reserved. I have to say that everyone we came into contact with was very helpful and friendly.

So what were the highlights of our trip?

  • The restaurant that stayed open to feed us on our first night.
  • The walk around Old Geneva organised by one of the clubs from Geneva.  Starting at Reformation Wall which commemorated important events and people from the Reformation including John Knox and Oliver Cromwell, we then went on to visit sites relating to 6 women from history who had had an impact during their lives.
  • Fondue evening hosted by Geneva Soroptimists.
  • Discovering that Sopotimisters are Frerops in Switzerland!
  • Visit to the United Nations. It was fascinating to see the sheer scale and beauty of the building and also to learn about how the United Nations operates.
  • May Day in Geneva! It was also Denise’s birthday. Our group spent the day getting to know Geneva and made use of our free travel passes to catch a bus to the Botanic Gardens which were delightful. Three of us even went on the beautiful carousel in the gardens.
    As it was May Day we encountered the demonstrations of various groups including women’s groups who were calling for equal pay and for the end to Domestic violence.
    Sadly we discovered that one of the Scottish members had fallen in the Botanical Gardens and had broken her hip. We wish her all the best for her recovery.

We spent our last few hours on Friday gently wandering around the city centre before catching the afternoon plane back home.

What a super few days having fellowship and fun whilst learning about the UN and Geneva.

Can’t wait for the next trip? Where to next?


SI Central Birmingham 90th Anniversary Charter Lunch!


The Face of Suffrage 1918-2018

Here is info about the Face of Suffrage, unveiled in New Street Station, Birmingham, in which some of us feature! SI Kenilworth is on the hat brim left hand side! It will be at New Street station until 14 December if you want to see it.

Wed 21 November at 6pm,  The Face of Suffrage artist Helen Marshall

Lloyds Room at Birmingham Hippodrome.  Lead artist of The Face of Suffrage Helen Marshall spok3 about the project in Birmingham and her other collaborative projects nationally and internationally. 

Wed 12 December at 6pm, Historian Dr Nicola Gauld

Lloyds Room, Birmingham Hippodrome.  Historian, writer and academic expert on the Suffragette movement Dr Nicola Gauld provided an overview of the Suffragist Campaign and a specific look at Birmingham and women’s stories.

Thurs 10 January at 6pm, Artists and Community Archivists Anand Chhabra and Geoff Broadway

Gowling Room, Birmingham Hippodrome.  Artists, Photographers and Archivists Anand Chhabra and Geoff Broadway talked about the community archives Apna Heritage and Living Memory and the role of women in archive histories and community photography archives.


Remembrance Service at the National Memorial Arboretum

On Sunday 13th November 2017 three Regional Presidents;  Jan Bowden from Midland Arden, Ruth Dodd from Midland East, and Pat Cross from Midland Chase attended a Remembrance Service at the National Memorial Arboretum.

After the service, they were joined by Jan Hemlin, MAR President-Elect, and Isabel Smith SIGBI Vice President and together with other Soroptimist representatives and their husbands moved on to the Soroptimist International plot where they laid wreaths on behalf of Soroptimist International, SIGBI and the three Midland Regions.

It was a wonderful, uplifting occasion and we were blessed by cold but fine weather.

Edna Shafer- Hughes from Midland Chase read the “Peace Pledge”, which had been written by Lynn Dunning a former SIGBI Federation President who has sadly passed away.  It was also read at the end of the SI International Convention in Glasgow in 2007.

We hope you all enjoy reading again the celebratory and meaningful message in her words:

We are women standing for women,

We come from many lands;

We are different colours, creeds, and races and together we celebrate diversity,

We are united in our purpose to bring a message of peace to the women of the world.

Our declaration is tied with ribbon, the symbol of the hands of friendship that bind us together as members of Soroptimist International, reminding us that our membership brings the responsibility to preserve freedoms and to be peacemakers.

We hope, for a world where tolerance, reconciliation, co-operation, and partnership are realities.

We pledge to work for a world where:

The human rights of all people are respected

Equal opportunities are available to women who are disadvantaged through their gender, health or social exclusion

Education is accessible for all girls

Poverty and disease are conquered

All peoples enjoy a safe and healthy environment

We all contribute to the peace and prosperity of humankind by nurturing a spirit of peace, encouraging peace education, and supporting a culture of peace.

” Peace our unifying purpose”