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Benevolent Fund

Caring for our own…The Benevolent Fund was established in 1942 for the relief of women in need who had been, for at least three consecutive years, members of a Soroptimist Club in the United Kingdom including the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland. Its income is derived from an annual levy on members within these islands, interest from investments, and from donations and legacies.

Carol Bailey
Carol Bailey

The Benevolent Fund exists to offer financial assistance to Soroptimists who are suffering hardship due to a change in circumstances. This may be due to illness, change in employment, misfortune or advancing years. Increasingly Soroptimists have been financially challenged due to the current economic crisis and changes to pension rules.

The eligibility to access the fund is based on being a member of Soroptimist International of UK and the Republic of Ireland for at least 3 consecutive years, or may have left their Club but have been a member within the past 5 years. Exceptional circumstances are considered by the Trustees.
All members of SIGBI contribute to the Fund £2 annually, but the Fund is grateful for the enormous contribution made by legacies and donations. SI Midland Chase has a proud tradition of supporting the Benevolent Fund, for which we are truly grateful.
Each Region has a Trustee who considers every application with compassion and diligence. The Fund can make ‘one off’ payments, often to purchase an essential item or a quarterly payment when the applicant has demonstrated that essential outgoings are exceeding income.
All applications are considered in absolute confidence and we are really ‘Caring for Our Own.’

If you need more information, an informal chat, or would like me to attend your club meeting – which I would be delighted to do – please contact me by e mail.

Thank you

In Soroptimist Friendship.


Carol Bailey
SIGBI Benevolent Fund Trustee, SI Midland Chase and SI The Wrekin

SIGBI Benevolent Fund Charity Number 211840



Last updated 11th March 2024