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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is an annual initiative which provides resources and ideas to help you reduce single use plastic and help save our planet.

About the challenge – Plastic Free July provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste.  Do you want help to start living plastic free or just create new habits and use less? Join millions worldwide in the Plastic Free July challenge today!

Click here to go to the Plastic Free July website where you can learn more and sign up to the challenge.

Members of Soroptimist International Milton Keynes have renewed their Green Pledges to support this initiative.  Here is what we are doing in 2024:

  1. Never buy plastic bags – use for life bags or natural fiber lifetime bags or make own out of recycled materials.
  2. Walk to the local shops or local places to reduce the use of the car where possible.
  3. Buy from local suppliers/shops to reduce the carbon footprint.
  4. Eat a meat free meal at least once a week.
  5. Never buy plastic bottles of drinks – use a recycled drinks container.
  6. Limit shoes and clothes purchase to only buy when necessary.
  7. Recycle everything possible, including clothes, books, DVD by giving to MK Charity shops and buying from them. Why not hold a pre-loved event to sell your clothes etc  and donate funds raised to a local charity.
  8. Use the Ecosia search engine which has made the promise that by using them to search the web they will use their profits to plant trees
  9. Switch to low energy bulbs to reduce the impact on the planet and on home running costs.
  10. When holding events, try to use eco-friendly products where possible.
  11. Plant a tree on our 10 Anniversary in 2025.
  12. Reduce water usage when having a shower – take the challenge have your shower in under 4 minutes.
  13. Did you know using the cloud to store your pictures/files uses a lot of energy so think about reducing it if you can.
  14. MK Snap learners to make a recyclable Wreath for our Remembrance Day celebration.
  15. Recycle medical blister packs via Superdrug stores, or through Terracycle direct. Click here for more info
  16. Repair and recycle rather than buy new. There are Repair Cafes/workshops near you to help.

And we have already come up with some other ideas.   Zita helps out at the Repair Café in Leighton Buzzard.  Jean has had a clear out of her wardrobes which will be recycled either via our Pre Loved Event or through our charities.  Whilst Debbie was on holiday she took her own water bottle along to refill so that she did not need to keep buying plastic water bottles.  And Mala has been telling us of the John Lewis makeup recycling scheme where you can take back 5 empty make up items and when you buy a new make up item you get £5 off.  Let’s keep up the good work everyone.

Little changes can make a difference, what will you change?  Pick one of our ideas or Take up the challenge.  Good luck