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Aaliyah Aries youth panel member of Dilated Cardiomyopathy panel for young people
Aaliyah Aries – How I cope with Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Aaliyah Aries – How I cope with Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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Aaliyah Aries – how I cope with Dilated Cardiomyopathy At our branch meeting in October we were very lucky to here from Aaliyah Aries.  Here is her story. I am Aaliyah, I’m 17 years old. I am a second-year level 3 health and social care student and peer educator at Northampton college. I am also a heart patient, being diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy at 12 years old after a few months of sickness and a few weeks of being extremely unwell. Previously, I lived a normal active life. My illness resulted in me staying in intensive care for a month and taking loads of medication.  My condition means that I will need to receive treatment for the rest of my life and its likely I will require a heart transplant at some unknown point in the future.  This page contains more information about Dilated Cardiomyopathy:

End violence against women
2020 End Violence Against Women campaign

2020 End Violence Against Women campaign


2020 End Violence Against Women campaign 25 November 2020 saw the start of 16 days of activism to mark the Ending of Violence Against Women Day which is an annual event always on 25th November. In 1994, the United Nations defined violence against women, as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”. Let’s all try to be ware of this and to raise awareness where ever we can and to listen and provide what support we can. During this week our chair, Amanda Carter Phillpot  attended a performance of Never Going to Beat You – Domestic Abuse in the Traveller Community on 23rd November hosted by Soroptimists International ST Albans.

MK Act Womens Refuge
MK Act 2020 Xmas Appeal

MK Act 2020 Xmas Appeal

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MK ACT Christmas Presents for the Refuge Christmas is a very hard time for families affected by domestic abuse. MK ACT are very grateful for any presents for the children and women in our refuge and families that we support through our Crisis Intervention Service. Please note, due to heath and safety we can only accept new toys and new clothes. We also cannot accept toy guns and knives.  Below is a list of the ages of children in our refuge for anyone who would like to donate a present.  We ask for all presents to be either in gift bags with a label on with the child’s age, or in plastic bags. We are also very grateful for any Supermarket vouchers for the families this Christmas, new children’s pyjamas or presents for the children to be able to give their mothers. Ages and sexes of children in the refuge at Christmas

YMCA Milton Keynes
YMCA 2020 Xmas Appeal

YMCA 2020 Xmas Appeal

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Right now, YMCA are a home for 199 young people in Milton Keynes. YMCA Milton Keynes is  an affordable housing provider offering activities that have a positive impact on a resident’s health, well-being and personal development. During this pandemic time, the YMCA have had to adapt how they work to keep their residents and staff safe during this time, which can often be quite unsettling. They are asking for our help.  The YMCA have put together a selection of emergency activity packs so that they can continue supporting their residents, so they have a sense of belonging, feel they are contributing and to help them go on to thrive. Buy an Activity Pack for a young person at YMCA Milton Keynes, click here to find out more about the types of Activity Packs

#IamRemarkable November workshops

#IamRemarkable November workshops

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What is #IamRemarkable? #IamRemarkable is a global Google initiative that strives to empower everyone, particularly women and underrepresented groups, to express their achievements in the workplace and beyond. At the heart of the #IamRemarkable initiative is a 90-minute workshop that helps participants learn the importance of self-promotion in their personal and professional life, equip them with tools to develop this skill set, and invite them to challenge the social perceptions surrounding self-promotion. To date, #IamRemarkable has reached over 130,000 participants, and 800+ companies, across 130+ countries, with the help of 7000+ facilitators. Below are details of the 3 workshops Amanda Carter Philpot, our Chair and Director of Pandora INC CIC  will be running in November.  Please pass details on to anyone who may be interested. The 3 workshops are free events for 90 minutes on zoom. There are 3 dates to choose from with different

Acorns for Parks Trust
Plant a Tree – Help Parks Trust

Plant a Tree – Help Parks Trust


  Soroptimists are approaching their 100 years celebrations.  One of our ways to celebrate this is to look to a bright future.  And we thought lets plant a tree. Here in Milton Keynes the Parks Trust manage a number of ancient woodlands and they are currently facing a loss of trees due to Ash dieback.  They are looking for our  help.  This autumn we are seeing a bumper crop of acorns being produced within our woodlands, and Parks Trust are asking us help to collect and plant these so that we can all help protect woodlands such as Howe Park, Shenley and Linford wood for future generations. To learn more of how you can help click here

Soroptimists International London and Chiltern Regional Conference Sat 10 October 2020

Soroptimists International London and Chiltern Regional Conference Sat 10 October 2020


  The Soroptimist International London Chilterns (SILC) Region AGM and Conference is going online this year on Saturday 10 October 10am to 1pm.  Speakers include Ann Beatty from the Steve Sinnott Foundation, an international education charity and Janis Feely MBE,  founder of the Living Room charity in Hertforshire talking about the aims of the charity to break family addiction. All are welcome to join on Zoom 10 Oct 10am to 1pm. For more information and how to book a place click here

Stable futures for trafficked children
Stable futures for Trafficked Children

Stable futures for Trafficked Children

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Trafficked children need long term support and stability to recover from their experiences, but the UK Government is currently denying them this opportunity.  Should anyone wishing to support this campaign to speed up the guardianship offer for trafficked children arriving in the UK, please follow the link below and click on the link which sends a letter to your local MP. Click here to learn more and find link for letter to send to your MP