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Quilts presented to YMCA

2019/20 resulted in the achievement of our most significant and biggest project undertaken to-date.  SI:MK raised £2,605 to sponsor a room at the new YMCA facility in Central Milton Keynes and made 30 quilts so that each resident could have their own quilt on their journey back into the community.
At the end of August 2020, after being delayed by Covid-19, the quilt presentation went ahead during a meeting with the residents of supported living and each resident was gifted a quilt.  Lauren, at the YMCA, reported the feedback from the residents has been amazing, huge smiles and interactions with each other.  Apparently there are  room inspections and the quilts are displayed with pride on their beds.
There were a few left and these will be kept for future residents.
YMCA sent us some pictures and thanked SI MK for all our support over the last 12 months.
Picture presented to YMCA to hang in our sponsored room

And during August we were also able to meet up with Anne Rhind, Director of Development at YMCA MK to hand over our picture called Violet, after Violet Richardson who in 1921 founded the Soroptimists movement.  This picture will hang in the room  we have sponsored in the new YMCA facility.  The picture was re digitised by one of the learners from MK Snap.  Below is  Anne Rhind from the YMCA and the picture Violet.

Another successful project completed.

And now we are working on our 2020/21 project supporting MK Act.  To learn more about this click here