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President Joyce Weekly Message – Twenty- Seven

Good Morning Soroptimist Sisters,

I am thrilled every week to receive your messages, sometimes with news of what you are doing, or if you just make contact to say ‘hello’ or to comment on something I have reported.

Maureen Dixon, an Associate Member from Penrith, messages me every week saying how much she enjoys reading my message with her morning coffee! Last week she told me it had to wait until later as Blencathra was calling! Indeed! – the photograph she sent me  was spectacular showing the Lakeland view in all its Autumn glory, I am happy to share it with you. Thank you Maureen

I received a delightful letter this week from Norah Thornthwaite of SI Tynedale giving me news of her service activities in Hexham. Norah has been involved with the West Northumberland Food Bank for about seven years and is now voted onto the Board of Trustees. She volunteers there every Friday and her main duties are decanting jars of coffee and packets of sugar into food/freezer bags so that more people can benefit. During the summer months, a group of allotment holders in Hexham and Corbridge having been sending their fresh produce to the Food Bank giving some variety instead of dried/tinned produce. Norah also sorts the recycling and takes as much as she can to the local waste transfer centre. Norah says that the local people and supermarkets are very generous in their support as regards donations of food and money. Norah has asked me to pass on her fondest greetings to all SINE members.

It was good also to hear from Barbara Brown of SI Darlington who also messages me every week. She is still involved with Food for Thought, Darlington who are continuing to do deliveries of food for needy families. Barbara is now a regular delivery driver on a Friday.  FFT say that donations from supermarkets were down recently and it looked as if people were beginning to panic buy again. Food for Thought will continue to carry on the good work as long as possible.

SI Penrith heard recently that they have been allocated 60 Hedging Saplings from the Woodland Trust and will receive them in November. The club hopes to plant at the end of November and take part in a Community event in Tirril Village Hall. Pat Newsham will keep us informed of progress.

I was invited to a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday at the home of Pam Cooper, SI Middlesbrough, and also to meet a very special lady – Alwyn Kraus – who has been a Soroptimist for 50 years and is still their Club Treasurer.

I was thrilled to be able to give Alwyn flowers on behalf of the Northern Region and all our good wishes.

Pam had organised a delicious chocolate cake and we drank her health in Prosecco. Pam updated me that the amount raised for Macmillan Nurses was £70.

Congratulations to Brian and Cheryl Burnie for completing the epic 7036 mile walk around our coastline, bidding to make Daft as a Brush a national service conveying patients to and from cancer treatment. He was welcomed back to Newcastle on Wednesday by family and friends. Well done to any of our members who were able to walk with them in the last few days of their journey.

So to report on our first Virtual Regional Council Meeting, yesterday on GoTo. Not entirely an unqualified success as we were unaware that only 25 cameras would be available, which only became apparent when people reported this early in the proceedings. I can only apologise,  [Vyvyenne Mack told me to stop apologising!] and say that your Officers will be conducting a review in order to use a package which will allow all of you to be seen next time. I have received some lovely comments and most seemed to enjoy the meeting. thank you. Also, you did not have to drive home afterwards!



The FIVE shortlisted clubs gave their presentations and Karen announced the winner of the Reach for the Skies trophy to be – SI Cockermouth – for all their COVID-19 work. 

The Connie Dawson Plate for a project which demonstrated sustainability was awarded to SI South Shieldsfor their work over 16 years with Hospitality and Hope, South Tyneside. Congratulations to the winners and to SI Darlington, 

SI Newcastle upon Tyne and SI Sunderland the other shortlisted clubs. I have attached some photographs of  the SI Newcastle Project 100 HOODIES for Domestic Violence Champions.

Thank you to all who attended the meeting



The end of a busy week and I am planning to do very little in the next few days! But I will be attending the virtual event to announce the winners of the Poems in a Pandemic competition on Thursday 1/10/2020 at 11am. For tickets contact:  Link to Poems in a Pandemic

I leave you with this thought – SMALL STONES – BIG RIPPLES!

Until next week, stay safe and keep well.

In Friendship,
