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Presidents Weekly Message – Week Forty Five

Good Morning Soroptimist Sisters,

XIN NIAN KUAI LE  Happy Chinese New Year – the year of the OX!

A very pleasant hour was spent on the first Saturday in February at our first virtual Regional Coffee Morning. Organised by Margaret Ayton and Kath Shearer of SI Newcastle upon Tyne, it was attended by 12 members and two cats! Clubs represented were – Darlington, Durham, Newcastle, Penrith and Stockton-on-Tees. Conversation included Vaccination experiences and venues, the wonderful Jackie Weaver who had sorted out the Handforth Parish Council, the behaviour of cats and lots more besides. It was an enjoyable, relaxed morning.  Another of these Coffee Mornings will be held on Saturday, 6 March 2021 at 10.30am, lasting just one hour. All are welcome and should you wish to join us in March, please contact Margaret Ayton, who will send you the link, at: 


From SI Middlesbrough I have received part one of an article from the Darlington and Stockton Times newspaper  featuring Anne Press – Botanist – one of the 25 women included in SI Middlesbrough’s

Lockdown Project Book, Overcoming the Odds. Their publication receives high praise from the journalist who wrote the piece which is complimentary and well deserved. Anne’s life story is fascinating also.  The book is still available to purchase from Pam Cooper : 

To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2021, Sally Higgins at Federation Office, requested photographs showing Soroptimists in the ‘Choose to Challenge’ pose. Here is Karen Alexander [3] our Programme Action Chair; she will be featured in the next online edition of Soroptimist News with others from our Federation, [back page, I understand] – so look out for her when it becomes available.

I am happy to bring you the new edition of SI Durham’s Newsletter SI Durham Newsletter. It is packed full of information, recipes, articles, a poem, quiz and some delightful photographs. Well done to Jane Katsambis who has compiled it. I hope that you enjoy this one as much as you did her January issue.

SI Scotland South introduce their ‘Playing Card Project’ now nearing completion in time to celebrate our Centenary. The set contains a pack of  playing cards in a box covered in Soroptimist Tartan. The cards feature prominent Soroptimists from Scotland who have held office either as SIGBI or International Presidents, together with a booklet containing biographical details of the women.

A unique product to celebrate 100 years of Soroptimism, they will be available at £8 per pack including postage and packing.  Should you be interested in purchasing a pack or packs of these cards, please contact FCC Margaret Clark at

As Clubs approach their Annual General Meetings, no doubt plans will be being made for the next year and what charities will be supported. Please don’t forget about our Soroptimist Charities, Benevolent Fund, Diamond Education Grant and Emergency Relief Fund.

Please keep in touch and let me know what you are doing. I so appreciate receiving your news.

My quote this week is author unknown, but  perhaps it is something I should take on board myself, as one of the World’s worst worriers:

“Worry is a total waste of time, it doesn’t change anything. 

All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing!”

Until next week, Stay Safe and Keep Well

In Friendship,


Joint Regional President