So what have we been doing during lockdown?
Well, we’ve have a business meeting via teleconference facility and it wasn’t the total chaos that it could have been. Mainly due to the strict management of our new secretary, Barbara. The exec has held a Zoom executive meeting too. Members have kept in touch with each other with phone calls and emails.
What about our project work?
We’ve not been idle. We have sent Hope from our Home ……………….. £200 to our local Salvation Army for the foodbank giving hope to those in need of support during this awful time. Several members have sent letters, cards and poems to residents of care homes with the Cards for Kindness initiative. And we have filled bags with toiletries (and chocolate!) and given them to the Foxton Centre for street workers and to Clare House, the local women’s refuge. We hope that everyone will know that we care.
If you would like to come and help us support these worthy causes or would like to know more about our club then please contact us.