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What will we be doing in 2019/20?

Well, we’ve got lots planned.  Talks from Street Pastors of Chorley and South Ribble, The Prince’s Trust, ‘Mental Health and Young People’ amongst them.  We’ve got a demonstration in how to wear a kimono – well, you never know when it will come in useful.  After all, one of our mantras is ‘Educate. Empower and Enable’ so at the end of that evening we will be educated in Japanese fashion.

We will be doing our usual collections – foodbank, loose change, maybe the odd bra or 50 and anything else we come up with.

We will be having a few social events – cake and possible wine will probably be involved somewhere.

Importantly, we are planning a new project that will start in May.  We are starting a Drop In Cafe at Kingsfold Library for anyone who wants to come.  We hope to reach people who feel a bit isolated and lonely and who just want a bit of company.  So pass it on………….#

So, lots going on  ……………………… come and have a look.  You are welcome any time.