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Class 10th meritorious honors ceremony 2024

Class 10th meritorious honors ceremony 2024

Like every year meritorious students of the school were honored and encouraged this year too. Meritorious students of class 10 from both the schools were present on this occasion. Honorable Mrs. Ranjana Taskar Madam (Vice President, Kai Ushatai Lokhande Trust Pune) Mrs. Kulsum Madam, Mrs. Pereen Lal and Mr. Subhash Taskar Sir were present. In the said program, meritorious students were also given gifts by dignitaries. In this, dignitaries drew the attention of successful students and their parents to the following points: Need for education time No one should be left behind in education Education should be taken voluntarily and not under pressure Parents should not impose their views on children and let them choose their field of study. Care should be taken that girls do not stay at home Students should try for more marks and quality than this The next step was given
Report of a visit to Ushatai Lokhande Charitable Trust Schools (ULCTS) Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Kawthe Malkapur and Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Wablewadi

Report of a visit to Ushatai Lokhande Charitable Trust Schools (ULCTS) Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Kawthe Malkapur and Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Wablewadi

The visit to ULCTS, Madhyamik Vidyalaya (Malkapur and Wablewadi) was arranged by Mrs. Ranajana Taskar on 29th Feb 2024. This was undertaken on the request of our guest, Mrs. Nandini Sonthalia, partner of Maths Yes We Can LLP; members accompanying Mrs. Nandini Santhali were Mrs. Ranjana Taskar, Mrs. Kulsum Lookmanjee and Mrs. Malika Siamwalla. Further, Mrs. Nandini was felicitated with a shawl by the Principal, staff, and members of SI Poona. Soroptimist International (SI) Poona had implemented the “Maths Yes We Can” project in the ULCTS for the academic year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. In the academic year 2022-23, the project was implemented to 43 students of VIII and 30 students of IX of both schools, and it was completely funded by “Maths Yes We Can” LLP. In the academic year 2023-24, this project is implemented to 45 students of VIII a standard of both the
Workshop on Communication Held at NIN

Workshop on Communication Held at NIN

Presenter: Hazeka H Ginwala Mode: Offline National Institute Of Naturopathy Day and Date: Thursday 18 January 2024 Duration: 2 Hours  The workshop was held at NIN, President of the club Dr Naina Athawle invited Hazeka H Ginwala to conduct a Soft Skill workshop on the topic of Communication. It was conducted as a part of program of Soroptimist Internation Club Poona. The duration of the workshop was 2 hours. The participants were a part of a workshop on Acupressure of age group from 25-40 years. They came from all over India. The session began by formally introducing Ms. Hazeka H Ginwala and a token of appreciation was presented. The workshop began with an ice breaker session to introduce them to the topic of Communication. The workshop aimed at improving their skills in communication which will help them in enhancing their entrepreneur skills. The workshop covered 10 slides along with some interactive games and sessions to understand the topic
Let Me Bloom

Let Me Bloom

Education Project Education Sponsorship for girls who are physically / economically challenged, with no support and role model for guidance Started in 1993, this Key Project gained momentum year on year. Apart from books, stationery, tuitions and career guidance support, girls from Std. XI onwards are guided through aptitude studies either to acquire a degree or do a vocational course which guarantees employment. We are happy to report that today each and every girl whose life we touched, is economically powered and gainfully employed - be it Pratibha Aveshkar who despite being visually challenged is now an Asst. Manager in a Bank, or Sapna Tandale who joined Syndicate Bank as a Probationary Office after successful completion of a Computer Course for the visually challenged. Number of girls supported so far are roughly 150. One of them has a successful career as a Lawyer, some are
Joy of Learning

Joy of Learning

The joy of learning was coordinated by Mr. Mujtaba Lokhandwala Our both schools kai. Ushatai lokhande charitable trust sanchilit madhyamik vidyalay kauthe malkapur and wablewadi are both schools are running in tribal and rural area. We are in need of the correct direction according to the overall development of the school students and teachers . also the need of the inspiration for the students and teachers have get form this programme. The programme go through the following way. First day of 11th December is for the teachers training. We learn form this workshop Science , Math, Art& creativity , Geography the easiest way of learning through the inspirational way. Second day Is for the students 12th December 2023. Form the both school first day teacher learn the things carefully for the future of student and the next day is very enjoyable for both students and
Math Yes We Can

Math Yes We Can

Implementation of ‘Math Yes We Can’ Programme in Ushatai Lokhande Charitable Trust Schools Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Kawthe Malkapur and Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Wablewadi The ‘Math Yes We Can’ program implements the workbook “The Language of Mathematics” written by Dr, Rahael Koshy Jalan, Founder Eagles of Tomorrow, Canada. This program was first successfully implemented in Canada and South Africa. Inspired by the success in these countries it was implemented in India in 2016. The “Math Yes We Can” program is designed to upgrade the math skills of students enrolled in high school. The program targets students in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11, who due to a variety of reasons have fallen behind in their basic math skills. The ‘Math Yes We Can’ program is being implemented in Ushatai Lokhande Trust supported Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Kawthe Malkapur and Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Wablewadi with the help of Soroptimist International Club of
Advocacy in support of ‘School for Justice’

Advocacy in support of ‘School for Justice’


SI Poona held an Advocacy Programme  on 15th April 2017 jointly with the University Women’s Association, Pune. A presentation   on   the “SCHOOL FOR JUSTICE” was made by Ghazala Shaikh  of  “Free a Girl Movement “ which is supported by Dutch Soroptimists.This is a worldwide initiative which aims to fight against human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of minors as well as others. The idea of starting a Law School for survivors of forced trafficking was floated by a Soroptimist club in the Netherlands. These girls then would fight their own legal battles and help others of their community. A member of SI Pune was informed about it by our UK Link in Kings Lynn.Ghazala Sheikh and her colleague Francis Gracias presented this programme in Pune. They spoke about the proposed School for Justice which will start with 7 girls who have been rescued from the

Fundraiser for Girl ChildEducation

Fundraiser for Girl ChildEducation


An audiovisual show on the life and songs of the noted singer of yesteryears, Ms. Geeta Dutt was presented by Mr. Vishwas Kale. It was a nostalgic evening of haunting and ever popular melodies showcased with their film history.  The venue was the University Women’s Association hall, at Pune. The show was highly appreciated by the audience and a substantial   amount was raised for our Education sponsorship project named ‘Let me Bloom’