Just the Job Talk
At our recent January Meeting via Zoom, we were pleased to welcome representatives of Just The Job, the local charity helping educationally challenged people into work in horticulture.

They shared pictures of their work via Zoom, and talked about the plans they are hoping to progress for new purpose built environmentally friendly premises, ‘The Big Green Build’, on land close to their current centre of operations in a unit on the Gallowfields Industrial Estate. They have been given land on a long lease at a peppercorn rent by the Zetland Estate for their innovative new timber-built premises.
Richmond 950
Just beyond this is the area set aside for the planting of a new community woodland. Just The Job will be planting The Rufus Wood (as it will be known) as part of Richmond 950. This project celebrates 950 years since the founding of Richmond under Earl Alan Rufus, who began construction of Richmond Castle in 1071. The new wood will be a resource for the community for the future, with space for group activities as well as paths for walking. Events are planned throughout the year as part of the 950 project. Although the Covid-19 crisis has hampered both Just The Job and the 950 project, we wish them well with their activities.
Our PA Officer, Sharon Hansen-Cooper, who is also our President Elect announced that she will be continuing our support of Just The Job as her Presidential Charity for 2021-22.
Fellow Soroptimists
We were joined at the meeting by two members of SI Northallerton, Anne Whitewick and Hilary Dodds, and one from SI Scarborough – a former member of SI Richmond & Dales, Angela Edwards. It was good to be able to speak to them, and share our experience of trying to keep going during the Covid crises. Angela also spoke to us about what she has learned about the “higher realms” of SIGBI in her role as Federation Consultative Councillor for Yorkshire Region. This gave us a useful insider view of how the Federation Council operates. We discussed the proposal to extend the SIGBI President’s role for 2 years, and voted almost unanimously to support this idea, to give greater continuity at the top.
Greetings were exchanged over Christmas with our Friendship Link clubs. SI Durham sent a copy of one of the Newsletters they have been producing during the pandemic, to help keep in touch with members whilst we are unable to meet in person. Chris Bowran volunteered to collate contributions from SI Richmond and Dales members so that we can also produce a club newsletter. This will help us share some of the more light-hearted aspects of being a Soroptimist in addition to our business minutes, in particular for those who are unable to join us via Zoom each month.
Zimbabwe News
We also received an update from the Chikupo School in Zimbabwe, to whom we have donated money via SI Harare. We are delighted to hear that they have solved their water supply problems, and now have clean water available at the school site. Member Sandy Baxter reported that she has been able to earn £50 from beating at local shoots to donate to SI Harare for their work. This is less than she has been able to earn than previous years, as shoots have been stopped due to the pandemic.
Collecting Stamps for Charity
Jenny Cathcart reminded members to pass on to her the used postage stamps we have been collecting. As the Great North Air Ambulance service is no longer collecting stamps for processing, it was agreed that we will instead pass our stamps via our member Shirley Harrisson to the Mercy Ships charity. We have previously supported this faith-based international development charity, which deploys hospital ships to some of the poorest countries in the world, delivering vital, free healthcare. Jenny agreed to take stamps collected by SI Scarborough as well – when Angela is able to pass them on.
Re-cycling “non-recyclables”
Member Jan has distributed to the membership a list of items for recycling. These are all items of plastic which the local government recycling scheme cannot handle, and which therefore end up being burned in incinerators. The list includes confectionary wrappers, cheese wrappers, cat food pouches, crisp/snack packets and pumps from bottled cleaning products. Jan’s daughter is a member of group which collects these items for specialist recycling. Members have agreed to save the items they use, and Jan has generously offered to call on members to collect the spoils when sufficient has been accumulated.
Academic Success
News arrived a few days ago from Richmond School, telling us that one of the students on our Sharing Our Skills project has just been awarded a scholarship at Manchester University for the continuation of her studies in French & Arabic. We have sent our congratulations to her for this achievement. Although we are unable to progress the SOS project currently, we hope to be able to pick it up again at some point in the future.