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Fairtrade Picnic 2024

Fairtrade Picnic – Women’s Empowerment through Agriculture and Trad

The first event in our new club year 2024/25 was our Fairtrade Picnic. This was held at the Arts Centre in Castle Park, Frodsham on 15th May this year, and was a really enjoyable event.

All members were asked to bring a ‘Picnic Tea’ which included items of Fairtrade and/or local produce, and members brought many interesting items.

Sue and Clare led the event and  prepared a presentation showing the work of 8 women Farmers/Producers from around the world – pen portraits telling of their work and successes. Four of these women worked with Fairtrade, and four women with Lend with Care. Members took the parts of these Farmers and told their stories –  we all discussed the problems they faced and celebrated their successes.

Supporting Lend with Care is our new project this year, we are finding the life stories of the women inspiring, and feel privileged to be able to support them, empower them, and enable them  to achieve their full potential, look after their families and enable their children to attend school.

This is a Fund raising event and we raised £145 for our Lend with care projects. We also supported Transform Trade with a donation of £100 from Club funds.