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WaterAid Talk 8th May 2018

We were excited to have Speaker: Rachel Starling from Water Aid at our monthly meeting as this is our President Jills chosen International charity for the year. Rachel explained there was one vision, clean water for everyone, everywhere by 2030. Under this were three goals that covered, water, sanitation and hygiene. Rachel gave a very informative presentation explaining how these goals are put into action not as a top-down but a bottom-up strategy with the local community so they take ownership and so projects would be sustainable. One way to help apart from raising funds was lobbying our local MP on the importance of water-related issues. At the end of the talk, Sandie presented on President Jill’s behalf a cheque from the club for £2,000 for Water Aid raised from the proceeds of the Quiz night and Fashion show. Rachel thanked the club for this very generous donation.