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Two very special careers

Two long standing members of the club recapped the stories of their careers at the Business Meeting on Wednesday 19th February. Both had unusual careers and both  achieved their dreams.  Firstly Phyllis Sigsworth told how she joined the Police Force in North Yorkshire at the tender age of 20 although normally women could only start at 22.  Phyllis talked about the challenges facing women in the 50s and how she moved up through the ranks to become a Superintendent in Northumberland before being asked to move to the Home Office.  She moved south and became the Assistant to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Jeannette Hartley then told us how she became a Purser on Concorde despite starting off as a secretary with her feet firmly on the ground.  When she first heard about the new plane that would be taking to the skies she decided that she wanted to be on board and applied to become a stewardess; it took three applications but she got the opportunity to join BA and then it was just a question of time and determination before achieving her goal of moving to Concorde.  Ultimately she travelled back and forth to New York hundreds of times and continued to find it thrilling.

phyllis etc