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Members working together – a good year

There had been a touch of apprehension at the start of the new Soroptimist year but the concern had proved to be unfounded, acting president Christine Wilkes told members at the annual general meeting.

It was the beginning of a new reign with the club being run by the executive committee in the absence of a president.

Thanks to some earlier planning everything had gone smoothly, there were few problems with continuity, people pulled together and the club was very supportive, particularly when it came to filling the 21 backpacks for Mary’s Meals charity.

She said the executive would continue to run the club in the year ahead with a rota for president for the month with the added responsibility of coping without a secretary.

“The past year was quite a good one with everyone involved.”

Lesley Hobbs reported on programme action activities including the bookmarks project, backpacks for needy children in Malawi and quilts being made for children suffering from trauma as well as a summer outing organised for children at the Women’s Refuge and a tea party for Contact the Elderly.

A new member Wendie Douglas was welcomed and Rosemary Bell asked all members to think about recruitment.

Ann Pibworth was elected treasurer and Rosemary Bell and Stella Astbury were elected as regional representatives.