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Soroptimist is ‘One in a Hundred’

June Wilson

South Lancashire’s Soroptimists convened recently (via Zoom) for their regular quarterly meetings.

Members were delighted to hear that a former local member – June Wilson of SI St Helens – features as ‘one in a hundred’ in a #WhoIsShe? campaign.

2021 sees the centenary of Soroptimist International, our worldwide parent organisation. As part of the commemorations our own Federation (Soroptimist International, Great Britain & Ireland – SIGBI) is documenting the centenary through ‘a bright past’ and ‘a brilliant future’.

The contributions to society by one hundred Soroptimists – past and present – are acknowledged. These #WhoIsShe? campaign members have all been nominated by Soroptimist clubs for their noteworthy contribution to society in the furtherance of the aims and objects of the organisation.

Her citation shows that June – a trailblazing solicitor – was a Soroptimist from 1955 until her death in 2015. The region – and June’s club – are proud of her service and achievements.

In other news, SI Manchester has released its latest newsletter, documenting summer activities and projects. (SI Manchester Newsletter Summer 2020)

Margaret Baker, the region’s ambassador for ‘Empowering Girls in Nepal’ (SIGBI’s current long-term project) gave an update. The COVID-19 situation is changing the support that can be given to the girls. However, fundraising needs to be ongoing so that the project continues to be effective. Margaret is happy to attend club meetings ‘virtually’ and to give a detailed picture of Nepal and the ongoing project work.