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Sewing machines for Africa and baby clothes for Nepal!

The Regional Meeting is a great opportunity for Soroptimists to bring along items collected by other Clubs for their projects. At the SI Southern Region meeting, held on 11 June, the items collected included baby clothes for Nepal and sewing machines for Africa!

Sewing Machines



Members of SI Poole and SI Weybridge presented Jenny Titcombe of SI Southampton with sewing machines for Netley Marsh. They will be renovated and then sent to Africa, along with funding to enable their new owners to set up in business.




baby outfits 2



SI Winchester brought along several bags of outfits for babies – handknitted hats and jumpers in lovely colours.  They will be sent by SI Poole to SI Kathmandu, for distribution to those families still suffering from the after-effects of the earthquakes in April last year.