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What’s On?

What’s on in the next few months?

All meetings will be held at Stafford Rangers Football Club, commencing at 7.00 p.m. unless otherwise stated.


Tuesday 7th May                                                        Club Meeting

Tuesday 4th June                                                       Speaker – Will Morris – House of Bread

Tuesday 18th June                                                      Executive Meeting

Tuesday 2nd July                                                        Meal at Stafford Rangers Football Club

Tuesday 9th July                                                        Executive Meeting

August                                                                        No meeting

Tuesday 3rd September                                            Club Meeting

Tuesday 17th September                                           Executive Meeting

Tuesday 1st October                                                  Club Meeting

Tuesday 15th October                                                Executive Meeting

Tuesday 5th November                                             Club Meeting

Tuesday 19th November                                           Executive Meeting

Tuesday 10th December                                            Friendship Evening and Candle Lighting


Tuesday 7th January                                                  Club Meeting

Tuesday 21st January                                                 Executive Meeting

Tuesday 4th February                                               Club Meeting

Tuesday 18th February                                              Executive Meeting

Tuesday 4th March                                                    Club Meeting

Tuesday 18th March                                                  Executive Meeting

Friday 21st March                                                      Charter Dinner

Tuesday 1st April                                                       Pre-AGM Meeting

Tuesday 15th April                                                     Annual General Meeting

Speakers will be arranged throughout the year; members will receive information about them beforehand.



Saturday 18th May                                                    SI Midland Chase Regional Conference

25th of every month                                                  Orange Cafe

Monday 27th May                                                      Car Boot and Plant Sale Penkridge

Tuesday 18th June                                                      Visit to Goldstone Hall Gardens

Saturday 22nd June                                                    SI Midland Chase Regional Meeting

Tuesday 16th July                                                       Walk/Murder Mystery in Stafford

Saturday 10th August                                                 Afternoon tea/walk –Alison Elsmore

Saturday 21st September                                           SI Midland Chase Annual General Meeting

Saturday 28th September                                         Sixties Night at Stafford Rangers

Tuesday 15th October                                                Meal at Mela Lounge

Wednesday 23rd -Saturday 26th October                Musical Theatre Stafford ‘9-5’

Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd November                           SIGBI Edinburgh Conference

Wednesday 13th November                                      Christmas Card Making with Anne Shaw

Friday 22nd November                                              SI Midland Chase Region Change of Insignia

Friday 17th January                                                    Quiz

Tuesday 18th February                                              Meal at Riverside Restaurant

There are other events in place and as soon as these have been confirmed members will be notified.

If you are interested in coming to any of these events, please contact