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COP26 vows

At our November Business meeting, members made vows for COP26.

These were written on paper leaves and hung onto a tree.

The vows are listed below.


SI Tamworth COP26 vows

Use a reusable fruit and veg bag when shopping in the supermarket.

One vegetarian meal a week.

Do one load of washing less per week.

Use no plastic bags.

Don’t use non degradable wipes.

Only boil just what I need for a cup of tea, not a full kettle.

Buy a reusable coffee mug for my takeaway coffees.

2 veggie days a week.

Use a face flannel, not wipes.

Ban the dryer, use fresh air.

Plant trees.

Lobby our MP on relevant environmental issues.

Use cotton makeup wipes.

Buy more seasonal and local produce.

Eat less meat.

Walk to the pub more often, not use the car and drink keg beer not cans or bottles!

Walk more often, not use transport.

Use less water when cleaning my teeth.

Grow more veg myself.

Stop using aerosol sprays.

Only use the dish washer 3 times per week.

Start composting