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Wilberforce Institute anti-slavery exhibition visits Wakefield

Members visited the Wilberforce exhibition on anti-slavery at Wakefield One customer service point on the 14th November. Members were disappointed by the location of the exhibition which was squirrelled away at the back of the customer service point and poorly signposted, but found the content extremely eye opening and inspiring in advance of the forthcoming 16 days of action campaign. #OrangeTheWorld #25Nov #IDEVAW
Modern Slavery can affect children and adults irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, religion or background.

Uncovering Modern Slavery is an exhibition created in partnership with the Humber Modern Slavery Partnership and the Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull. Modern Slavery in the UK can take many forms including sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, criminal exploitation, domestic servitude and organ harvesting. This exhibition highlights how criminal exploitation is a growing form of Modern Slavery in the UK.