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#Soroptimists welcome author Rachel Williams to speak about her experience and work in the domestic abuse field

#Soroptimists welcome author Rachel Williams to speak about her experience and work in the domestic abuse field

JULY 7th 1930hrs GMT – ZOOM Talk on tackling Domestic Violence – Open Invitation to all #Soroptimists

Soroptimists in Elmbridge are very fortunate indeed to be able to host a one hour talk with Q&A on July 7th over Zoom at 1930hrs GMT. Session open to all #Soroptimist #SIclubs, please notify if you would like the zoom link by email ahead of the session.

Featured on ITV’s Lorraine with Michael Sheen and Rachel Williams.
Darren was funny and attractive, and 21-year-old Rachel fell head-over-heels for him; it wasn’t long before they moved in together, and she fell pregnant with his child. But his inner demons soon surfaced… Weakened and alone, Rachel was beaten and tormented by him for 18 years, until one day, Darren turned up at her place of work with a shotgun and left her for dead. But her ordeal wasn’t over… Devastating yet inspiring, Rachel’s story of hope tells of how you can always find the light, even in the very darkest of times.

‘Incredibly poignant and powerful.’ – Victoria Derbyshire

‘Transformative. Life changing.’ – Michael Sheen

#RachelWilliams – Author and Humanitarian Activist
In 2011, Rachel Williams was shot at her place of work by her abusive partner. Barely escaping with her life, she decided to fight back and in 2020 she received a St David Award in the Humanitarian category for the work she has done, and continues to do, on behalf of domestic abuse victims. This work includes hosting the first survivor-led abuse conference in South Wales (#StandUpToDomesticAbuse), being an ambassador for The Freedom Programme (runs courses to help victims understand what is happening to them), working with #SaveLives (a charity working to transform the response to domestic abuse), campaigning to push bills through UK Parliament.
Rachel’s presentation will begin with a 25 minute video, followed by a description of projects she is currently engaged in and time for Q&A. You may be interested in reading her book: