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#SayNoToPlastic in July, Soroptimists Challenge!

SIGBI Day of Action – 16th July 2022 follows UN World Environment Day on June 5th 

This year, the SIGBI Day of Action will focus on Climate Change and reducing the use of Single-use plastics. Activities that take place during the month of July will be marked on a SIGBI map, to be published in August. The UN is supporting this effort this year in September. Let #Soroptimists get ahead of that..

Why Care?

Plastic pollution is harming life on land and below water around the world, and plastic production is contributing to climate change and global warming. Addressing the plastic crisis demands high-level global action and policy, but efforts to reduce plastic waste can start with a few small steps.

Unless we take major steps to reduce plastic pollution from production to consumption, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Trash islands are already occupying large swaths of sea in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean. That is just one reason why it is so important to reduce single-use plastic use, and to use eco-friendly alternatives whenever we can. Producing single-use plastics requires massive amounts of fossil fuels, which pollute the atmosphere and fuel climate change. After their use, plastics continue to wreak havoc on the environment, posing a serious threat to ecosystems, marine creatures, and human livelihoods.

Take Action: Take the Pledge: #SayNoToPlastic …..    #BeatPlasticPollution

Shopping bags – Reusable shopping bags – establish a routine of replacing them—either in your car or your backpack, if you take public transportation— as soon as you put away your groceries.

Water bottles – The average plastic water bottle takes 450 years to decompose if littered? Remember that glass and aluminium bottles are more eco-friendly than “good” plastics that may still leech. Consider utilising reusable straws. Contrary to common conception, plastic straws cannot be recycled and thus contribute to the plastic flowing into the ocean every year. If you need to use a straw, metal and reusable plastic straws are both great options.

Drinks on the go..Commit to cutting out your disposable K-cups and single-use coffee filters, and introduce reusable filters into your routine. Many baristas are more than happy to make your daily latte with the reusable mug or thermos you bring in. This easy swap is a highly effective way to reduce your plastic consumption, especially if you can’t start the morning without caffeine.

Sandwich bags and cling wrap – Summer is here! All it takes is a few simple steps to make your picnic or lunch sustainable. Swap out single-use plastic sandwich bags for reusable containers that come in plastic, glass, and stainless steel. You can also eliminate cling wrap by switching to beeswax wrap, which is washable and wraps up food just as well.

Soap – This tip applies to both bathing and dishwashing! Instead of buying body washes and dish soaps that come in disposable plastic containers, make the switch to bar soap, ideally soap which is often packaged in recyclable paper. 

Detergents – Search for Eco detergents and examine packaging and test new products during July. Look at brand packaging before buying, ensure containers are recyclable before buying. Look at reusable products and sources online for washing powder, bleach,

Can our Club pledge to Do Plastic Free July in our households?

Watch this video from 2019 to get started

it’s under 12 minutes long.

Write about what you plan to do and why and share it with friends & family, widen awareness of the need for change

Record 3 things that you did or found beneficial and feel you could sustainably continue to do, send them to Ann who will summate our efforts at end July.