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Safeguarding for Soroptimists – ‘if you see something – say something’ and ‘don’t think what if I’m wrong – think ‘what if I’m right’….

Just wanting to highlight the video on club safeguarding, especially to our new members, Suzette supports us in this regard at SI Weybridge & District

Safeguarding Video

There is also a 3 minute video, which all club members are required to see, it explains what people should do if they see something, which is not quite right or makes them feel uncomfortable, with the message

‘If you see something, say something’. ‘Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Responsibility’.

The video and documents are located on the SIGBI Website in the Members Area.

The video is also available on You Tube

Club Safeguarding Link/Leads

Across clubs within the Region we have a number of Soroptimist members who have volunteered to act as Safeguarding leads within their clubs.  They are shown on the main site. Although the Safeguarding Leads/Link posts in our clubs are not mandatory; the Safeguarding Working Party and Regional Safeguarding Officers considered this role should be seen as best practice, to emphasise the importance of Safeguarding and to embed the knowledge and understanding at club/member level.

Safeguarding articles in Regional Newsletter

There have been a number of articles on Safeguarding published in our Regional Newsletter, SEE News

Regional Safeguarding Officer – December 2019

Safeguarding and the Region – June 2020

Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility – June 2021

Safeguarding Adults Week and Predatory Marriage – November 2021

New SIGBI Designated Safeguarding Officer Appointed

SIGBI Designated Safeguarding OfficerSIGBI have appointed a new Designated Safeguarding Officer, Annette Maudsley who has taken over from Shirley Jones. Annette is a member of SI Liverpool.

Some members may have come across Annette already as she facilitated  the Modern Day Slavery workshop at the last Conference.

We met Annette at the Safeguarding Network Forum held via Zoom in November ahead of Safeguarding Adults Week.

A key message we were asked to heed by Chris Clark and Pat Kilbane (RSOs with SI Yorkshire) was: –

‘if you see something –say something’ and ‘don’t think what if I’m wrong – think ‘what if I’m right’.